Proportion of Persons who "Object" to state the Religious Denomination to which they belong in Different Countries and at Different Times, where the Optional Clause has been introduced., Percentage of Those who Object.
Country. Census Year. Percentage Objectors.
Ireland 1,881 0.01
Victoria 1,861 2.14
Victoria 1,871 1.36
Victoria 1,881 1.00
Victoria 1,891 1.19
Victoria 1,901 0.90
New South Wales 1,891 1.00
New South Wales 1,901 0.96
Queensland 1,891 0.67
Queensland 1,901 0.95
New Zealand 1,881 2.85
New Zealand 1,891 2.45
New Zealand 1,896 2.27
New Zealand 1,901 2.37
South Australia 1,901 2.07
Tasmania 1,891 3.17
Tasmania 1,901 1.72
Western Australia 1,901 1.66
Commonwealth 1,901 1.12