Occupations of the People., TABLE XIV.—Defining the Principles of the Method adopted in the Classification of Occupations, in accordance with the uniform Scheme agreed upon by the Conference of Statists held in Hobert in March, 1890 ; and showing the number of Persons, Males, and Females employed or belonging to the principal Groups of Business, Calling, or Service or belonging to the principal Divisions of Dependants, arranged systematically under Classes, Sub-classes, Orders, Sub-orders, and Sub-groups—continued
Sub-order 5.—Equipment for Sports and Games. |
1. Billiard and Bagatelle Tables Daler |
2. Fishing-rod, Tackle, &c., Dealer |
3. Cricket, Football, Tennis, &c., Materials Dealer |
4. Others |
Sub-order 6.—Designs, Medals, Type, and Dies. |
1. Designs, Patterns, Medals, Type, and Dies Dealer |
2. Others |
Sub-order 7.—Watches, Clocks, and Scientific Instruments. |
1. Watches and Clocks Dealer |
2. Scientific Instruments Dealer |
3. Others |
Sub-order 8.—Surgical Instruments and Appliances. |
1. Surgical Instruments and Appliances Dealer |
2. Others |
Sub-order 9.—Arms and Explosives. |
1. Arms, Explosives Dealer |
2. Pyrotechnic, Fireworks Dealer |
3. Others |
Sub-order 10.—Machines, Tools, and Implements. |
1. Agricultural Machinery and Implements Dealer |
2. Sewing Machines Dealer |
5 |
5 |
3. Other Machine Tools, Implements, and Machinery Dealer |
4. Others |
Sub-order 11.—Carriages and Vehicles. |
1. Carriages, Wagons, Carts Dealer |
2. Parambulator, Wheel-chair, Bicycle Dealer |
3. Coachmakers' Sundries Dealer |
4. Others |
Sub-order 12.—Saddlery, and Leatherware. |
1. Harness and Saddlery Dealer |
2. Saddlers' Ironmongery Dealer |
3. Leatherware Dealer |
4 |
4 |
4. Others |
Sub-order 13.—Ships, Boats, and Marine Stores. |
1. Ships and Boats Dealer |
2. Tackle and Equipment for Ships and Boats Dealer |
3. Other Marine Stores Dealer, Ship-Chandler |
7 |
6 |
1 |
4. Others |
Sub-order 14.—Building Materials and House Fittings. |
1. Materials for Houses and Buildings Dealer |
2. House Fittings Dealer |
3. Oil and Colourman, Paperhangings, Wall-paper Seller |
1 |
1 |
4. Timber Merchant |
71 |
71 |
Sub-order 15.—Furniture. |
1. Furniture Dealer, Hirer |
28 |
22 |
6 |
2. Others |
Sub-order 16.—Chemicals and By-products. |
1. Chemical Materials (not Drugs) Dealer |
2. Chemical By-products Dealer |
3. Others |
Sub-order 17.—Paper, Paper-makers' Materials. |
1. Paper Dealer |
2. Stationer |
3. Rag, Waste Paper Dealer |
1 |
| 1 |
4. Others |