Sickness and Infirmity., TABLE V.—Showing the Proportion of Males to every 10000 Males of the living Population suffering from each description of Infirmity at each Quinquennial Period of Age, according to the Census Returns of 1891.
Ages. Total Population. Total Cases of Infirmity. Sick. Suffering from Accident. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. Insane. Idiotic. Epileptic. Crippled, Deformed, and other Infirmities.
All Ages 77,560 270.37 84.97 17.02 3.48 12.51 26.30 2.19 2.71 121.19
Specified 76,990 271.98 85.59 17.14 3.51 12.60 26.11 2.21 2.73 122.09
0 - 5 years 10,839 34.14 18.45 0.92 1.85 12.92
5 - 65 61,853 221.66 73.56 18.11 3.88 5.98 23.77 2.75 3.07 90.54
65 and over 4,298 1596.09 428.10 44.21 6.98 134.95 125.64 4.65 851.56
0 - 5 10,839 34.14 18.45 0.92 1.85 12.92
5 - 10 9,879 74.90 35.43 2.02 5.06 1.01 31.38
10 - 15 8,284 98.98 39.84 10.86 2.41 1.21 3.62 7.24 1.21 32.59
15 - 20 7,073 189.45 74.93 16.97 4.24 5.65 7.07 1.41 7.07 72.11
20 - 25 7,154 167.74 76.88 16.77 4.19 1.40 13.98 1.40 1.40 51.72
25 - 30 7,263 188.63 61.96 24.78 2.75 2.75 23.41 2.75 2.76 67.47
30 - 35 5,901 228.77 69.48 16.95 5.08 6.78 27.11 5.08 98.29
35 - 40 4,360 300.46 68.81 27.52 9.17 11.47 38.99 2.29 4.59 137.62
40 - 45 3,233 355.71 95.89 21.65 15.46 64.96 6.19 3.09 148.47
45 - 50 2,574 326.34 108.78 34.96 7.77 42.73 11.66 120.44
50 - 55 2,295 483.66 156.86 21.79 13.07 65.36 226.58
55 - 60 1,935 552.97 118.86 51.68 5.17 25.84 87.86 15.50 248.06
60 - 65 1,902 741.33 236.59 31.55 5.26 26.29 78.86 5.26 357.52
65 - 70 1,493 1031.48 214.33 46.88 73.68 107.17 6.70 582.72
70 - 75 1,405 1665.48 469.75 56.94 7.12 113.88 149.47 7.11 861.21
75 - 80 790 1898.73 531.64 25.32 25.32 177.21 151.90 987.34
80 - 85 420 2214.29 714.28 47.62 190.48 95.24 1166.67
85 and over 190 2894.73 736.84 473.68 52.63 1631.58