Proportions of Sexes., TABLE IX.—Proportions of Males and Females in every 100 of the general Population, at each Age-period, at the three last Censuses.
Age-periods. Males. Females.
1861. 1870. 1881. 1861. 1870. 1881.
All Ages 55.12 53.21 52.86 44.88 46.79 47.14
Under 1 51.72 51.40 48.22 48.28 48.60 51.78
1 - 2 49.76 49.21 48.67 50.24 50.69 51.33
2 - 5 51.03 50.13 51.44 48.97 49.87 48.56
5 - 10 49.22 60.89 51.07 50.08 49.11 48.93
10 - 15 50.75 49.88 51.22 49.25 50.12 48.78
15 - 20 46.34 48.54 50.13 53.66 51.45 49.87
20 - 30 45.46 46.31 51.04 54.54 53.69 48.96
30 - 40 58.56 48.65 51.54 41.44 51.35 48.46
40 - 50 66.02 59.67 51.15 33.98 40.33 48.85
50 - 60 71.17 66.15 59.35 28.83 33.85 40.65
60 - 70 73.42 71.92 65.57 26.58 28.08 34.43
70 - 80 73.63 71.87 70.61 26.37 28.13 29.39
80 - 90 79.78 74.84 71.40 20.21 25.16 28.60
90 and over 87.50 78.26 60.78 12.50 21.74 39.22
Not specified 76.04 23.96