Summary by Quinqueenial Age-periods., TABLE III.—Showing the Number of Persons, Males, and Female,s and the Number and Proportion to every 10,000 of the living Population suffering from each description of Infirmity, at each Quinquennial period of Ae, according to the Census Returns of 1881—continued.
Ages. Numbers. Proportion to every 10,000 living at each Age-period.
Total Population. Total cases of Infirmity. Sick. Suffering from Accident. Deaf and Dumbs. Blind. Lunatics. Idiot. Total cases of Infirmity. Sick. Suffering from Accident. Deaf and Dumbs. Blind. Lunatics. Idiot.
All Ages 54,543 1,155 838 46 32 54 140 45 211.75 153.64 8.43 5.87 9.90 25.66 8.25
Under 5 years 8,065 47 41 2 3 1 58.28 50.84 2.48 3.72 1.24
5 yrs. to 10 yrs. 6,968 48 35 6 5 1 1 68.80 50.23 8.61 7.17 1.44 1.44
10 - 15 6,863 55 35 8 5 1 6 82.55 52.53 12.01 7.50 1.50 9.01
15 - 20 6,665 90 61 4 3 2 5 15 135.03 91.52 6.00 4.50 3.00 7.50 22.31
20 - 25 5,928 93 66 3 4 2 10 8 156.88 111.34 5.06 6.74 3.38 16.87 13.49
25 - 30 3,806 72 46 1 2 2 14 7 189.17 120.86 2.62 5.28 5.26 38.78 18.39
30 - 35 2,765 60 45 2 4 9 217.09 162.74 7.23 14.46 32.57
35 - 40 2,555 67 42 2 2 4 16 1 262.44 164.51 7.84 7.84 15.66 62.66 3.91
40 - 45 2,481 78 48 1 4 22 3 316.94 195.05 4.06 16.24 89.40 12.19
45 - 50 2,257 68 60 1 1 2 4 301.28 265.84 4.42 4.42 8.84 17.68
50 - 55 1,922 81 62 2 2 7 8 421.44 322.58 10.40 10.40 36.44 41.62
55 - 60 1,387 88 59 4 2 7 16 634.46 428.37 28.84 14.42 50.47 111.36
60 - 65 1,287 98 71 5 5 13 2 745.92 551.07 33.85 38.85 101.01 15.54
65 - 70 770 59 50 2 1 2 4 768.23 649.35 25.97 12.99 25.97 51.95
70 - 75 513 75 59 2 1 2 9 2 1461.99 1150.00 38.89 19.40 38.99 176.44 38.39
75 - 80 289 40 32 3 5 1486.95 1189.56 185.87 111.52
80 - 85 139 23 16 1 2 4 1654.67 1151.07 71.94 143.89 287.77
85 - 90 30 7 6 1 2393.36 2000.00 333.33
90 - 100 18 5 4 1 2777.77 2222.22 555.55
100 and over 2 1 1 5000.00 5000.00
Ages unspecified. 75 2 1 1 266.68 133.33 133.83