TABLE I.—Showing the Number, Age, Conjugal Condition, and Place of Birth of the Population of the Province of South Australia, on the 1st April, 1860, in the several Districts.
No. of Districts. Names of Districts. Number of each age. Males. Females. Totals. Country where born.
Males. Females.
Under two years of age. Two and under seven. Seven and under fourteen. Fourteenand under twenty-one. Twenty-one and under forty-five. Forty-five and under sixty. Sixty and upwards. Under two years of age. Two and under seven. Seven and under fourteen. Fourteenand under twenty-one. Twenty-one and under forty-five. Forty-five and under sixty. Sixty and upwards. Married. Single. Married. Single. Males. Females. General Total. In the Colony. In England and Wales. In Scotland. In Ireland. In other British Possessions. In Germany. In other Foreign Countries. Not specified.
City of Adelaide—
1 Hindmarsh Ward 146 307 295 234 820 275 56 118 322 280 368 987 180 42 670 1,463 838 1,459 2,133 2,297 4,430 1,290 1,600 265 616 140 411 108
2 Gawler Ward 137 309 303 273 754 257 55 122 315 308 397 918 177 67 676 1,412 737 1,567 2,088 2,304 4,392 1,291 1,635 251 963 147 47 58
3 Grey Ward 199 473 495 270 833 291 53 197 582 519 455 1,141 274 48 965 1,649 1,193 2,023 2,614 3,216 5,830 2,089 2,386 230 768 125 88 144
4 Robe Ward 115 256 241 181 415 181 42 103 252 292 313 666 175 49 513 918 658 1,192 1,431 1,850 3,281 1,062 1,401 138 423 95 131 31
Town of Kensington and Norwood—
5 West Norwood Ward 47 124 101 72 195 58 18 57 115 117 102 281 58 17 238 277 297 450 615 747 1,362 451 670 34 121 26 45 15
6 East Norwood Ward 31 95 75 38 132 42 12 21 97 77 81 175 44 14 153 275 183 326 428 509 937 308 507 24 45 38 13 2
7 Kensington Ward 17 66 75 44 91 32 11 18 56 84 70 137 43 9 110 226 142 275 336 417 753 266 352 47 43 12 29 4
8 Kent Ward 17 31 29 12 59 15 7 10 30 29 37 78 9 9 58 112 67 135 170 202 372 121 169 15 19 17 23 7 1
9 Town of Port Adelaide 72 141 109 76 300 66 13 72 116 98 127 361 41 9 277 500 337 487 777 824 1,601 514 676 122 177 66 17 29
10 Town of Glenelg 20 56 56 34 105 30 5 23 67 50 71 173 30 4 104 292 117 301 306 418 724 277 296 51 86 9 3 2
11 Town of Gawler 63 138 97 65 246 48 14 44 120 116 110 289 46 12 219 452 258 179 671 737 1,408 485 548 72 204 46 35 18
12 Town of Brighton 9 28 36 21 49 23 5 15 35 40 47 78 18 8 67 104 74 167 171 241 412 165 176 10 47 8 3 3
District Councils—
13 Aldinga 35 72 72 71 167 38 8 31 76 80 66 154 37 1 147 316 158 287 463 445 908 347 353 75 105 11 10 7
14 Alexandrina 25 41 36 21 88 12 5 15 40 42 19 77 6 1 69 159 72 128 228 200 428 163 179 47 18 16 2 3
15 Angaston 56 137 137 115 249 83 24 45 141 150 106 242 62 24 270 531 269 501 801 770 1,571 609 256 39 55 4 507 1
16 Barossa East 20 53 71 44 98 31 14 22 58 52 54 85 25 11 102 229 105 202 331 307 638 274 92 8 8 1 255
17 Barossa West 49 124 123 90 211 73 12 53 128 126 82 194 61 14 226 456 239 419 682 658 1,340 511 313 22 59 78 353 4
18 Bremer 35 68 51 51 118 25 6 36 63 55 40 115 18 4 116 238 118 213 354 331 685 291 209 130 47 6 1 1
19 Brighton 28 78 64 45 100 35 6 21 58 64 51 117 34 9 112 244 114 240 356 354 740 321 208 52 107 8 7 7
20 Burnside 51 104 103 69 182 54 20 35 95 103 99 232 37 18 198 385 213 406 583 619 1,202 453 549 63 97 19 18 3
21 Clare 72 211 158 138 347 100 15 57 199 197 155 340 58 13 314 727 330 689 1,041 1,019 2,060 788 598 143 377 28 78 68
22 Clarendon 48 135 153 105 211 91 17 48 163 143 119 231 57 7 255 505 257 511 760 768 1,528 675 669 36 94 27 10 17
23 Crafers 27 63 62 24 96 31 9 32 79 46 36 106 21 11 108 204 120 211 312 331 643 278 285 32 20 6 14 8
24 Echunga 38 106 127 77 225 65 18 43 107 97 77 198 40 13 207 449 218 357 656 575 1,231 490 395 34 114 11 180 7
25 Encounter Bay 20 78 62 64 150 32 10 41 77 71 48 113 26 5 140 276 141 210 416 381 797 317 352 63 28 25 12
26 Highercombe 24 52 57 49 89 35 11 26 50 48 38 110 29 7 112 205 125 183 317 308 625 220 228 29 36 3 105 4
27 Hindmarsh 104 312 280 175 420 193 49 130 317 287 242 603 150 27 603 930 687 1,069 1,533 1,756 3,289 1,219 1,552 129 296 78 10 5
28 Kondoparinga 48 137 98 84 198 55 10 53 115 117 78 194 41 6 207 423 221 383 630 604 1,234 553 507 49 91 16 11 7
29 Macclesfield 41 110 78 53 149 47 17 46 110 93 58 175 33 11 181 314 197 329 495 526 1,021 430 309 37 158 20 64 3
30 Mitcham 92 262 299 178 447 201 66 105 267 277 265 581 152 42 564 981 584 1,105 1,545 1,689 3,234 1,187 1,472 143 276 62 53 41
31 Morphett Vale 40 89 88 59 124 53 16 32 68 64 78 136 37 8 152 317 165 258 469 423 892 394 329 68 69 11 15 6