TABLE VIII.—Showing the Number of the Population of South Australia Entering the Colony in each year ; the Number Resident Born in the Colony ; and the Number sick and Infirm ; on the 1st April, 1860, in the undermentioned Divisions of the Province.
No. of District District. Year of entering the Colony in the undermentioned Divisions of the Province. Births 1836 to 1860, inclusive. Not included. Total. Grand Total. Sick and Infirm.
1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. 1860. Adults. Children. Total.
M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F. M. F.
1 to 4 City of Adelaide 34 27 41 39 96 96 164 204 195 226 26 50 33 19 20 14 32 36 62 81 114 151 157 213 274 332 661 702 360 389 218 244 338 340 384 454 518 803 472 809 261 382 270 272 404 431 259 318 73 40 2,727 2,941 73 54 8,266 9,667 17,933 369 262 24 17 672
5 to 12 Municipal Corporations 20 13 14 26 41 48 49 77 49 70 9 11 8 1 7 10 15 19 22 17 18 31 51 56 115 120 251 282 152 212 86 109 133 145 202 196 214 271 228 367 151 209 147 141 133 166 81 120 27 24 1,246 1,345 5 9 3,474 4,095 7,569 60 51 9 9 129
13 to 59A District Councils 119 73 205 197 515 504 949 848 865 848 183 163 95 59 59 57 203 146 295 262 539 498 769 707 1,150 1,015 1,760 1,627 1,201 1,157 890 822 1,070 1,032 1,129 1,190 1,565 1,840 1,894 2,328 1,109 1,114 989 853 966 945 645 603 98 64 12,702 12,655 85 52 32,049 31,659 63,708 552 339 49 69 1,009
60 to 72 Counties 61 15 54 43 146 78 250 163 294 210 84 53 73 34 40 20 88 39 138 88 231 151 312 269 495 387 619 461 470 348 409 321 546 462 451 441 847 816 998 979 680 571 782 601 630 436 384 323 70 56 4,738 4,566 28 16 13,948 11,947 25,895 215 101 32 25 373
73 to 77 Outer districts 27 8 15 19 2 52 16 51 12 11 1 8 1 16 1 16 1 29 6 46 8 33 10 63 23 65 17 54 15 43 19 88 41 82 46 111 60 142 112 112 76 101 42 114 32 86 57 13 7 315 285 8 4 1,720 902 2,622 18 2 1 21
Survey, road, and other Government parties 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 7 2 5 4 9 7 1 5 9 1 13 3 19 2 28 3 15 15 38 21 1 15 3 221 19 240 1 1
Totals 261 136 331 305 818 728 1,166 1,308 1,458 1,366 313 278 217 114 143 102 354 241 548 454 950 839 1,359 1,257 2,102 1,881 3,365 3,089 2,244 2,122 1,651 1,515 2,184 2,021 2,261 2,330 3,274 3,792 3,762 4,598 2,328 2,352 2,304 1,909 2,285 2,010 1,476 1,421 282 191 21,743 21,795 199 135 59,678 58,289 117,967 1,215 755 115 120 2,245
Add for omissions and persons travelling 1,033
Total in South Australia 119,000