TABLE VI.—Showing the occupations of the Population of the Province of South Australia, on the 1st April, 1860, with the number of Houses in the undermentioned Divisions of the Province.
No. of Districts. Districts. OCCUPATION. Total. HOUSES.
Ministers of Religion. Medical Men. Schools, Teachers. Lawyers. Surveyers, &c. Other Professions. Merchants. Brokers, Agents, &c. Clerks. Brewers. Millers. Tanners, Fellmongers, &c. Stockholders. Shepherds, Stockmen, &c. Farmers. Farm Laborers. Gardeners, Market. Shop and Storekeepers, retail, in food. Shop and Storekeepers, retail, in clothing. Inn and Lodging-house Keepers. Assistants in Shops, &c. Miners. Cattle and Horse Dealers. Cariers, Drivers, Carters, &c. Mariners and Fishermen. Mechanics and Artificers, viz.,: Builders, Master. Masons, Bricklayers, Plasterers, &c. Carpenters, Joiners, Painters, &c. Sawyers and Splitters. Coach and Implement Makers. Cabinet Makers, Turners, &c. Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights, &c. Other Mechanics. Laborers (undefined). Domestic Servants. All other persons whose occupations are not specified, and all others not included in above. Stone. Brick. Concrete. Wood. Other Materials or Tents. Total.
1 to 4 City of Adelaide 22 38 85 20 18 81 64 56 239 19 14 18 21 20 42 4 26 238 99 125 266 19 12 108 35 55 142 305 16 42 101 166 214 770 1,034 13,399 17,933 1,863 1,725 133 201 68 3,990
5 to 12 Municipal Corporations 9 15 55 21 13 48 43 36 115 5 22 2 6 2 41 15 20 70 32 47 52 8 2 35 125 18 46 114 8 3 19 75 139 326 490 5,492 7,569 524 696 190 401 50 1,861
13 to 59a District Councils 88 53 247 23 31 131 73 54 207 39 133 73 75 137 5,239 2,283 349 307 166 211 115 185 27 217 202 98 359 398 208 8 25 405 610 2,795 2,253 45,884 63,708 4,391 4,519 474 3,361 2,544 12,289
60 to 72 Counties 19 20 45 4 5 34 7 12 54 10 22 18 181 931 1,861 587 24 125 61 75 41 1,086 18 208 33 28 189 206 126 3 3 145 182 1,050 835 17,647 25,895 2,158 113 76 1,867 724 4,938
73 to 77 Outer Districts 1 2 2 2 2 12 1 3 1 81 530 27 34 2 9 9 7 19 3 58 3 6 11 15 7 1 10 1 257 163 1,343 2,622 105 2 6 443 48 604
Survey, Road, and other Government parties 10 1 2 1 3 2 15 1 173 1 28 240 3 12 30 45
Total 139 128 434 70 79 306 188 159 620 73 191 112 364 1,620 7,211 2,923 421 752 367 465 474 1,319 62 626 398 205 747 1,053 369 56 149 801 1,146 5,371 4,776 83,793 117,967 9,044 4,055 879 6,285 3,464 23,727
Add for omissions and persons travelling 1,033
Total in South Australia 119,000