Number of District as appointed in Gazette of 25th January last. Name of District. Number of each age. Married or Single. Religion. Occupation. Totals. Houses.
Males. Females. Males. Females.
Under Two. Two and under Seven. Seven and under Fourteen. Fourteen and under Twenty-one. Twenty-one and under Fourty-five. Forty-five and under Sixty. Sixty and upwards. Under Two. Two and under Seven. Seven and under Fourteen. Fourteen and under Twenty-one. Twenty-one and under Forty-five. Forty-five and under Sixty. Sixty and upwards. Married. Single. Married. Single. Church of England. Church of Scotland. Wesleyan Methodists. Other Protestant Dissenters. Roman Catholics. Jews. Mahomedans and Pagans. Land proprietors, merchants, bankers, and professional persons. Shop-keepers and other retail dealers. Mechanics and artificers. Shepherds and others in care of sheep. Stockmen and others in care of cattle. Gardeners, farm servants, and persons employed in agriculture. Domestic servants. All other persons not included in the foregoing classes, whether male or female. Males. Females. General Total. Stone or Brick. Wood. Other materials, or Tents. Total.
1 Milner Special Survey, Gawler Town, &c. 33 67 72 58 298 33 4 51 60 56 38 128 13 130 435 132 217 437 85 57 296 33 6 44 3 39 123 22 115 43 525 565 349 914 26 32 58 116
2 Stations North of Gawler Town to Tothill's 5 2 1 19 121 7 2 1 5 2 3 7 2 15 142 9 11 118 32 2 2 24 2 14 5 106 9 1 7 35 157 20 177 2 15 1 18
3 Wakefield and Hutt River, &c. 6 5 5 20 136 5 7 14 2 5 21 26 151 21 28 151 26 1 8 30 1 9 12 9 97 14 14 13 67 177 49 226 4 14 2 20
4 Moorunde 2 5 26 1 2 2 32 2 29 4 3 4 8 4 20 34 2 36 2 2 3 7
5 Wellington to Malcolm's Special Survey 1 2 8 4 95 3 1 2 3 7 106 4 2 69 28 2 5 14 1 2 75 17 9 16 113 6 119 1 9 14 24
6 Flaxman's and Barossa Special Survey 18 37 33 41 132 4 20 32 37 16 67 3 76 189 71 104 225 71 58 79 7 6 6 87 21 96 6 218 265 175 440 12 65 14 91
7 Little Para, Dry Creek, &c. 41 58 56 37 149 10 1 28 60 39 15 110 4 1 109 213 107 150 287 144 55 63 59 1 11 4 10 34 30 126 14 380 352 257 609 27 44 45 116
8 Port Adelaide and Albert Town 80 141 106 48 292 30 72 127 107 47 256 14 257 440 258 365 714 108 148 271 77 2 69 45 95 1 10 68 34 998 697 623 1,320 141 81 57 279
9 North Adelaide, &c. 96 155 115 78 335 49 12 87 146 121 81 322 31 9 324 516 335 465 705 90 261 497 81 6 54 33 99 4 6 296 64 1,174 840 800 1,640 176 66 133 375
10 South Adelaide 224 387 321 191 1,049 114 13 199 376 348 302 840 68 5 783 1,516 823 1,315 2,661 281 403 817 266 5 4 178 203 412 6 39 126 303 3,140 2,299 2,138 4,437 546 207 186 939
13 South West of Adelaide 85 176 151 62 357 44 5 82 168 129 75 327 31 1 313 567 313 500 1,150 76 172 175 116 4 54 15 79 1 26 340 54 1,124 880 813 1,693 116 77 146 339
14 South East of Adelaide 55 83 105 51 213 26 2 48 101 83 50 179 16 1 188 347 182 296 591 114 73 212 20 3 56 7 43 7 5 159 45 691 535 478 1,013 98 70 37 205
15 East and North East of Adelaide 40 53 57 30 172 10 42 68 48 30 119 7 126 236 126 188 424 100 64 51 35 2 27 2 42 4 8 89 14 490 362 314 676 35 71 40 146
16 Government Farm and Onkaparinga River 25 39 26 35 92 16 1 22 30 31 19 65 7 70 164 70 104 235 32 71 69 1 43 14 16 8 66 11 252 234 174 408 11 56 7 74
17 O'Halloran Hill to mouth of Onkaparinga River. 28 44 48 37 152 14 2 36 56 42 31 100 8 1 109 216 109 165 316 50 67 54 112 50 1 20 12 19 110 22 365 325 274 599 32 46 34 112
18 South of Onkaparinga to Willunga Hills 32 39 45 34 133 12 1 29 40 30 17 85 9 95 201 87 123 254 79 82 65 26 27 2 22 24 16 120 33 262 296 210 596 33 27 27 87
19 Hahnsdorf, Hack's Station, &c. 63 93 92 93 301 54 59 87 93 69 201 50 217 479 207 352 514 201 49 423 65 3 222 1 29 50 6 68 28 851 696 559 1,255 33 161 50 244
20 Meadows Special Survey and South West of Hahnsdorf. Hack's Station, &c. 28 31 24 24 71 7 18 15 24 23 49 4 51 134 51 82 120 28 42 103 22 1 2 31 12 9 8 38 9 211 185 133 318 7 32 6 45
21 Bull's Creek, Finnis and Angas Special Survey 11 16 20 20 86 8 1 10 19 20 15 41 7 48 114 45 67 106 114 33 17 4 44 3 24 11 39 13 140 162 112 274 19 15 18 52
22 Encounter Bay to Inman River 10 13 22 14 101 5 6 13 10 13 39 4 38 127 38 47 115 8 23 88 12 4 20 1 9 12 10 35 2 161 165 85 250 14 25 11 50
23 Port Lincoln 1 6 3 5 28 2 4 5 12 5 14 1 15 30 15 26 38 1 1 3 42 1 4 1 3 7 7 4 60 45 41 86 10 7 17
24 Kangaroo Island *70
25 Mount Gambier, &c. *100
26 Yankalilla, Myponga, &c. 3 6 8 11 33 2 6 6 5 5 10 2 14 49 14 20 69 15 2 6 5 10 1 1 20 12 7 3 43 63 34 97 1 10 12 23
27 South of Yankalilla to Cape Jervis, &c. 3 6 4 5 60 1 4 5 2 2 11 13 66 13 11 90 4 5 4 8 4 36 1 8 7 39 79 24 103 10 2 12
Totals 890 1,459 1,322 922 4,432 457 44 834 1,434 1,241 866 2,996 281 18 3,026 6,500 3,032 4,638 9,418 1,691 1,666 3,309 1,055 25 32 990 319 986 763 298 1,838 742 11,260 9,526 7,670 17,366 1,346 1,142 903 3,391