Table No. XLII., SHOWING AGES of MALES enumerated in each CENSUS DISTRICT—by YEAR PERIODS from under 1 Year to 14 Years inclusive ; by AGE PERIODS 15 to 20 Years, 20 to 21 Years, and 21 to 25 Years respectively ; and by QUINQUENNIAL PERIODS from 25 Years to 100 and upwards ; also showing the NUMBER of MINORS and ADULTS in each DISTRICT, and the AGES of the POPULATION according to VICENNIAL PERIODS from 1 Year to 100 Years and upwards, except those whose Ages were not specified.
Aramac. Balonne. Blackall. Bowen. Brisbane. Bundaberg. Burke. Burnett. Caboolture. Cairns. Cardwell. Charleville. Clermont. Cloncurry. Cook. Croydon. Cunnamulla. Dalby. Darling Downs Central. Darling Downs East. Darling Downs North. Darling Downs West. Diamentina. Drayton and Toowoomba. Enoggera. Etheridge. Fassifern. Gladstone.
Under 1 year 68 44 55 52 730 208 13 94 147 95 45 47 78 15 49 54 40 17 175 122 110 27 17 164 336 15 125 67
1 year and under 2 years 61 26 60 34 655 199 9 78 144 112 36 39 72 13 32 55 23 14 158 126 139 24 18 164 285 14 103 64
2 years and under 3 years 73 35 45 40 627 212 13 94 148 76 42 51 87 15 45 38 33 22 168 111 112 22 16 173 275 17 123 68
3 years and under 4 years 59 33 66 40 676 207 11 80 147 96 33 40 68 10 36 72 36 18 136 116 124 22 14 170 334 17 133 52
4 years and under 5 years 61 35 54 38 684 203 14 71 130 89 26 44 72 14 48 65 33 28 160 119 118 35 16 174 282 12 119 75
5 years and under 6 years 65 30 56 40 646 216 18 99 153 113 42 56 62 16 50 53 32 21 172 102 107 27 15 177 308 10 108 62
6 years and under 7 years 65 22 47 37 680 192 10 85 135 103 26 39 76 13 49 63 32 15 144 119 109 24 11 166 308 21 102 70
7 years and under 8 years 38 28 45 34 697 203 11 76 147 111 34 54 66 10 53 59 41 17 191 119 104 21 19 173 276 13 112 55
8 years and under 9 years 61 25 50 33 715 208 14 86 137 93 35 48 77 13 48 55 33 12 163 107 109 27 15 209 287 8 139 63
9 years and under 10 years 59 25 58 34 726 178 9 74 125 95 29 50 72 12 45 54 27 13 155 106 94 30 12 157 300 18 112 57
10 years and under 11 years 59 30 51 31 758 183 14 85 138 88 28 56 67 19 61 70 36 19 182 119 101 11 11 186 313 15 118 67
11 years and under 12 years 41 23 37 32 715 190 12 64 123 76 35 46 66 1 53 63 25 15 149 110 99 27 8 177 274 11 100 37
12 years and under 13 years 38 25 35 38 707 192 10 70 141 73 35 31 67 12 47 51 21 14 175 117 76 35 6 160 268 8 111 41
13 years and under 14 years 42 28 49 27 680 172 8 75 108 82 19 42 51 12 44 32 30 13 146 122 103 20 8 167 309 14 100 42
14 years and under 15 years 40 23 36 39 650 155 9 63 128 60 22 25 51 1 48 43 26 20 157 94 91 22 7 154 276 11 87 47
15 years and under 20 years 169 112 125 131 3,080 848 50 331 521 340 126 156 231 73 221 156 131 61 709 982 450 116 38 667 1,040 65 451 196
20 years and under 21 years 32 32 26 56 603 205 20 78 94 202 62 35 55 15 70 33 30 9 112 102 83 25 8 100 164 13 59 44
Total Males returned as under 21 years 1,031 576 895 736 14,029 3,971 245 1,603 2,666 1,901 675 862 1,318 267 999 1,036 629 328 3,272 2,293 2,132 521 239 3,338 5,635 297 2,205 1,107
Children whose age was not specified 1
Total Minors, Males 1,031 576 895 736 14,029 3,971 246 1,603 2,666 1,904 675 862 1,318 267 999 1,036 629 328 3,272 2,293 2,132 521 239 3,338 5,635 297 2,205 1,107
21 years and under 25 years 161 125 97 160 2,579 627 45 237 392 821 191 131 189 76 196 131 141 38 501 356 350 89 13 187 647 70 248 198
25 years and under 30 years 227 153 187 223 2,775 740 84 277 380 1,181 363 205 298 109 308 189 211 49 472 352 418 111 70 516 699 90 293 235
30 years and under 35 years 277 185 222 227 2,500 665 87 290 363 1,011 343 201 375 131 279 254 234 57 441 325 351 111 118 446 689 122 238 244
35 years and under 40 years 303 190 197 168 2,451 612 86 257 364 881 267 194 378 140 261 321 256 31 398 335 309 100 118 444 759 119 227 216
40 years and under 45 years 267 152 217 155 1,958 485 87 216 310 709 226 211 308 137 234 284 239 37 300 278 223 90 104 373 638 131 180 169
45 years and under 50 years 185 113 115 92 1,359 354 64 163 214 547 131 144 275 109 207 225 138 23 255 219 177 69 81 263 431 134 138 125
50 years and under 55 years 132 92 99 72 994 264 41 113 190 400 132 126 226 68 180 134 114 13 214 191 150 54 52 214 295 110 118 86
55 years and under 60 years 95 66 77 57 788 213 29 120 140 216 43 89 180 43 126 80 77 17 195 167 153 36 40 225 231 74 118 81
60 years and under 65 years 86 54 78 55 715 133 9 87 159 123 50 44 232 41 81 60 58 24 185 129 126 24 25 220 181 51 94 76
65 years and under 70 years 46 19 28 29 453 95 8 65 90 50 25 28 154 11 51 28 31 19 95 78 71 29 11 151 94 19 69 40
70 years and under 75 years 24 8 15 16 266 33 3 34 41 17 13 11 49 10 22 14 10 8 46 39 38 12 6 89 54 8 38 26
75 years and under 80 years 4 3 6 3 111 31 19 19 9 2 2 17 2 5 6 3 4 18 18 20 3 41 32 1 13 6
80 years and under 85 years 2 2 5 1 32 12 7 5 2 3 6 2 1 1 9 13 10 2 1 25 13 9 4
85 years and under 90 years 1 9 2 1 2 2 1 5 6 2
90 years and under 95 years 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1
95 years to 100 years and upwards 1
Adult Males whose age was not specified 9 5 9 8 44 977 7 6 8 37 810 16 1 1 1 14 8 2 26 1 11 3 11 2 5
Total Adult Males 1,819 1,167 1,352 1,266 17,033 5,243 550 1,893 2,676 8,010 2,590 1,405 2,691 878 1,956 1,740 1,513 322 3,140 2,504 2,429 730 670 3,513 4,772 911 1,787 1,511
Total Males 2,850 1,743 2,247 2,002 31,062 9,214 796 3,496 5,342 7,914 3,271 2,267 4,009 1,145 2,955 2,776 2,142 650 6,412 4,797 4,561 1,251 909 6,851 10,107 1,238 3,992 2,618
Ages of Males by Vicennial Periods.
Under 1 years to under 20 years 999 544 869 680 13,426 3,766 225 1,525 2,572 1,702 613 827 1,263 252 929 1,003 599 319 3,160 2,191 2,049 496 231 3,238 5,471 284 2,146 1,063
20 years and under 40 years 1,000 685 729 834 10,908 2,849 322 1,139 1,593 4,099 1,226 766 1,295 471 1,114 928 872 184 1,924 1,470 1,514 436 357 1,993 2,938 114 1,065 937
40 years and under 60 years 679 423 508 376 5,099 1,316 221 612 854 1,872 532 570 989 357 747 723 568 90 961 855 703 249 277 1,075 1,595 119 554 461
60 years and under 80 years 160 81 127 103 1,545 292 20 205 309 199 90 85 452 64 162 108 102 55 344 264 258 68 12 501 361 79 214 148
80 years to 100 years and upwards 3 2 5 1 43 14 9 6 5 3 6 2 1 2 12 15 11 2 1 33 19 1 11 4
Children, ages not specified 1
Adults, ages not specified 9 5 9 8 11 977 7 6 8 37 810 16 4 1 1 14 8 2 26 1 11 3 11 2 5
TOTAL MALES 2,850 1,743 2,247 2,092 31,082 9,214 798 3,496 5,342 7,914 3,271 2,267 4,009 1,145 2,955 2,776 2,142 650 6,412 4,797 4,561 1,251 909 6,851 10,407 1,238 992 2,618