Table No. XL., SHOWING the NUMBER of MALES, FEMALES, and PERSONS at each QUINQUENNIAL PERIOD of AGE up to 60 YEARS, and thence DECENNIALLY to 100 YEARS and upwards, at the CENSUS Enumerations of 1886, 1891, and 1901 respectively.
PERIODS OF AGES. 1886. 1891. 1901.
Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons.
All Ages 190,344 132,519 322,853 223,779 169,939 393,718 280,092 223,174 503,266
Under 1 year to 5 years 22,874 22,291 45,165 30,453 29,872 60,325 31,626 31,000 62,626
5 to 10 years 19,189 18,767 37,956 23,814 23,272 47,086 32,264 31,273 63,537
10 to 15 years 15,651 15,331 30,982 19,897 19,256 39,153 29,439 28,863 58,302
15 to 20 years 15,962 14,313 30,275 18,199 17,129 35,328 24,148 23,131 47,279
20 to 25 years 23,643 14,817 38,460 23,705 18,650 42,355 25,197 21,590 46,787
25 to 30 years 23,172 12,372 35,544 25,318 15,907 41,225 24,102 18,559 42,661
30 to 35 years 16,978 8,247 25,225 21,015 12,117 33,132 22,935 16,213 39,148
35 to 40 years 12,891 6,868 19,759 15,349 8,515 23,864 22,303 13,863 36,166
40 to 45 years 11,751 6,206 17,957 12,022 6,844 18,866 18,562 10,861 29,423
45 to 50 years 9,741 4,688 14,429 10,375 6,086 16,461 13,155 7,448 20,603
50 to 55 years 6,749 3,294 10,043 9,045 4,672 13,717 10,274 6,100 16,374
55 to 60 years 3,659 1,985 5,644 5,365 2,972 8,337 8,008 4,941 12,949
60 to 70 years 3,621 2,175 5,796 5,287 3,126 8,413 10,967 6,389 17,356
70 to 80 years 989 636 1,625 1,566 1,028 2,594 3,196 2,091 5,287
80 to 90 years 150 109 259 244 183 427 561 437 998
90 to 100 years 10 3 13 18 12 30 34 30 64
100 and upwards Nil Nil Nil Nil 1 1 2 3 5
Age not specified 3,314 407 3,721 2,107 297 2,404 3,319 382 3,701