RELIGIONS. Church of England. Roman Catholic. Presbyterian. Methodist. Wesleyan. Primitive Methodist. United Methodist. Congregational and Independent. Baptist. Lutheran. Salvation Army. Other Protestants. Other Christian Sects. Hebrew. Mahometan and Pagan. Other Religions. Object to State. No Religion. Not Specified. HABITATIONS. HEALTH.
Stone. Wood. Brick. Metal. Tents. Ships. Drays. Others. Houses Uninhabited. Sick. Accident. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. TOTAL.
Males 255 195 49 3 12 3 1 1 4 31 1 9 8 437 5 28 40 2 73 52 224 232 18 1 2 21
Females 94 81 7 1 2 3 8 1 8 23 5 13 4 2 2
Persons 349 276 56 4 14 3 1 1 7 39 1 *10 †16 460 ‡5 28 §40 2 78 65 224 236 20 1 2 23