RELIGIONS. Church of England. Roman Catholic. Presbyterian. Methodist. Wesleyan. Primitive Methodist. United Methodist. Congregational and Independent. Baptist. Lutheran. Salvation Army. Other Protestants. Other Christian Sects. Hebrew. Mahometan and Pagan. Other Religions. Object to State. No Religion. Not Specified. HABITATIONS. HEALTH.
Stone. Wood. Brick. Metal. Tents. Ships. Drays. Others. Houses Uninhabited. Sick. Accident. Deaf and Dumb. Blind. TOTAL.
Males 2,280 1,728 770 399 225 5 111 151 812 107 21 59 23 45 27 50 25 13 9 2,119 137 6 16 2 1 15 42 10 5 1 58
Females 2,357 2,015 822 456 243 8 112 147 793 130 20 62 21 6 23 14 10 18 2 463 31 1 1 1 3 64 3 2 1 70
Persons 4,637 3,743 1,592 855 468 13 223 298 1,605 237 *41 †121 44 51 ‡50 64 §35 31 11 2,582 168 7 17 2 2 18 106 13 7 2 128