Table No. CVI., OCCUPATIONS according to the CENSUS of 1901, arranged in ALPHABETICAL ORDER, showing the NUMBER of PERSONS engaged in them, also the NUMBER of each SEX so engaged—continued.
Males. Females. Persons.
Brought forward 274,200 152,203 426,403
Telegraph officer, &c. 397 24 421
Telegraph, telephone, &c., maker 1 1
Telephone officer 47 20 67
Tent and tarpaulin dealer
Tent and tarpaulin maker 16 3 19
Textile fabrics, others connected with manufacture of 4 6 10
Textile fabrics, others dealing in 3 1 4
Theatre proprietor, &c. 50 9 59
Timber-getter (seeAxeman)
Timber merchant 348 3 351
Tin miner, alluvial 657 657
Tin miner, lode 499 499
Tinsmith, &c., worker 518 2 520
Tin, zinc, dealer 5 1 6
Tobacco-grower 147 147
Tobacco manufacturer 96 61 157
Tobacconist 143 14 157
Toy-maker 2 2
Toys and minor arts products, dealer
Tramway, electric, conductor, &c. 417 417
Tramway, electric, owner, &c. 20 20
Tramway, employee, undefined 49 1 50
Tramway, horse, conductor, &c. 3 3
Tramway, horse, owner, &c. 1 1
Tramway, steam, conductor, &c. 1 1
Tramway, steam, owner, &c.
Transport of passengers, &c., on railways, others connected with (seeRailways)
Transport of passengers, &c., on tramways, others connected with (seeTramways)
Turf commission agent 6 6
Tutor, governess 45 238 283
Type founder, maker
Umbrella-maker 2 3 5
Umbrella stick dealer
Undertaker 40 1 41
Underwriter, marine surveyor 5 5
Upholsterer (seeBed, &c.)
Vegetable fodder, others connected with manufacture of 3 1 4
Vegetable food, others connected with preparation of
Vegetable food, others dealing in
Vegetable matters, not included elsewhere, others dealing in 2 2
Vehicles, others connected with
Veterinary surgeon 16 16
Visitor (domestic duties) 2,057 2,057
Visitor, dependent 603 1,250 1,853
Watch, clock, &c., importer 449 16 465
Watchmaker, &c. 5 5
Water carrier 34 34
Water department, caretaker, &c. 39 39
Water department, officer 12 12
Water supply officer, private 466 2 468
Water supply, others connected with 7 7
Weighing machine, maker
Wharf labourer (seeStevedore)
Wharf owner, lessee, &c. 39 39
Wheelwright 340 1 341
Wife, mother, widow 67,177 67,177
Wild animals, others connected with capture or slaying of 21 21
Wine and spirit merchant 118 7 125
Wine-grower, &c. 56 5 61
Wine manufacturer (not grower) 4 4
Wire and cable manufacturer 23 23
Wood, others connected with products of (not otherwise classified) 1 1
Wool and animal matter, others dealing in
Wool broker 67 1 68
Woollen manufacturer 64 67 131
Zinc, &c., worker (seeTin)
Zoological garden, menagerie attendant 1 1
TOTAL 280,092 223,174 503,266