Table No. CVI., OCCUPATIONS according to the CENSUS of 1901, arranged in ALPHABETICAL ORDER, showing the NUMBER of PERSONS engaged in them, also the NUMBER of each SEX so engaged—continued.
Males. Females. Persons.
Brought forward 37,886 11,131 49,017
Copper-miner 532 532
Cotton manufacturer 1 1
Cricket, football, &c., requisites dealer
Cricket-ground, &c., caretaker, professional player, &c. 6 6
Cricket, lawn tennis, &c., maker
Criminals, others 1 12 13
Crockery, &c., maker 1 1
Cutler, tool repairer, &c. 31 31
Dairy assistant 509 25 534
Dairy farmer 2,554 776 3,330
Dead, others connected with disposal of 16 16
Dealer, trader 157 12 169
Defence, officer of 31 31
Defence, others 22 22
Dentist 192 17 209
Dependent relatives, others 897 1,260 2,157
Designs, medals, &c., others connected with manufacture of
Designs, patterns, &c., others dealing in
Designs, patterns, &c., dealer
Die-sinker 7 7
Distiller and bottler, spirits 18 18
Dock engine-driver, employee 29 29
Domestic service, others connected with 261 6 267
Draftsman (not otherwise described) 104 104
Draper, linen, woollen draper 1,670 788 2,458
Drayman, carrier, carter, &c. (not otherwise defined) 4,490 17 4,507
Dredge worker, &c. 124 124
Dress, others connected with production of articles of 1 1
Dress, others working in
Drinks, groceries, &c., others connected with manufacture of 4 4
Druggist, wholesale 41 4 45
Dyer, scourer 20 7 27
Education, officer of Department of 38 1 39
Education, others 22 19 41
Education, professor, High School, &c. 23 19 42
Education, professor University 1 1
Electrical apparatus maker
Electrician 102 102
Electrician lineman 205 205
Electric light, worker, &c. 32 32
Electric tramway (seeTramway)
Electro-plater 17 17
Engineer, consulting 5 5
Engineer, merchant service 835 835
Engineer, &c. (so defined) 664 664
Engineering, others
Engraver, art only 8 1 9
Engraver (not art), &c. 26 26
Errand boy, girl 119 119
Eucalyptus oil maker 1 1
Explosives manufacturer 4 4
Factory worker (so defined) 64 57 121
Fancy goods dealer 86 43 129
Fancy leather worker 2 2
Farmer, &c. 16,628 1,683 18,311
Farm manager 128 3 131
Father, mother (dependent on children) 258 356 614
Feather dealer
Feather dresser, glove cleaner 5 5
Fellmonger, &c. 202 1 203
Fencer, &c. 950 950
Ferry punt lessee, &c. 55 3 58
Fibrous materials, others connected with manufacture of 2 2
Fibrous materials, others engaged in dealing in
Firewood cutter, &c. 520 1 521
Firewood, &c., dealer 873 5 878
Fireworks-maker 5 5
Fish-curer 6 1 7
Fisheries Department, officer 3 3
Fisheries, others engaged in 2,012 1 2,013
Fisherman 497 3 500
Fishing-tackle maker 4 4
Fishmonger, &c. 124 6 130
Flock manufacturer 1 1
Florist 7 19 26
Flour, grain, dealer 12 12
Forest Department, ranger, &c. 14 14
Forest sawmill owner, &c.
Forestry, others connected with
Friendly benefit society, officer 3 3
Fruiterer (seeGreengrocer)
Fruit-grower 1,438 29 1,467
Fruit preserver, jam maker 115 31 146
Fuel and light, &c., others connected with production of 4 4
Fuel and light, others dealing in substances for
Furniture dealer 97 31 128
Furniture, others connected with
Furniture, others connected with manufacture of 12 12
Furniture manufacturer 597 2 599
Furrier, rug maker 2 3 5
Fur, rug dealer
Fuse, cartridge maker
Galvanized iron worker 11 11
Gamekeeper, &c.
Gaol (seeInmate of)
Gardener (domestic) 843 1 844
Gas and water meter maker 3 3
Gas manufacturer, &c. 174 1 175
Geologist, mineralogist 15 15
Glass manufacturer 13 13
Glassware dealer 18 1 19
Glove cleaner (seeFeather cleaner)
Gold and silver buyer 1 1
Gold, &c., others dealing in
Gold miner, alluvial, &c. 2,956 2,956
Gold miner, quartz, &c. 9,458 1 9,459
Gold miner, undefined 319 319
Goldsmith 16 16
Government, officer of 814 15 829
Government, others 32 32
Governor 1 1
Graving dock, &c., proprietor 8 8
Grazier, &c. 3,064 166 3,230
Greengrocer, &c. 817 226 1,043
Grocer 2,402 260 2,662
Groceries, &c., others dealing in 4 4
Gunsmith 22 22
Gymnasium equipment maker
Hairdresser, barber 409 9 418
Harbours and Rivers Department, officer of 124 124
Harness, saddlery, &c., others connected with manufacture of 1 1
Hat, cap, bonnet maker 32 45 77
Hawker, pedlar 367 39 406
Health Department, officer of 8 8
Health, inspectors, &c. 11 11
Health, others 35 4 39
Hide and skin dealer 43 43
Horse-breaker (seeAnimal trainer)
Horticulturist 278 6 284
Hospital, asylum, officer, &c. 262 178 440
Hospital, inmate (seeInmate, hospital)
Hotelkeeper, innkeeper, assistant 2,559 3,284 5,843
House agent, rent collector 19 3 22
House fittings, dealer 1 1
House-painter, &c. 948 948
House proprietor 309 268 577
House and building materials, dealer in 2 2
Houses and buildings, others connected with erection of 53 53
House servants 1,879 11,139 13,018
Hydraulic-power worker 10 10
Ice manufacturer 58 58
Indefinite occupation, others (not otherwise defined) 392 112 504
Independent means (lady or gentleman so defined) 353 150 503
Image maker, modeller 2 2
Indiarubber wares, dealer
Industrial occupation, others undefined 312 45 357
Ink-maker 3 3
Carried forward 105,889 32,331 138,220