OCCUPATIONS. SEX. Dalby. Darling Downs Central. Darling Downs East. Darling Downs North. Darling Downs West. Diamantina. Drayton and Toowoomba. Enoggera. Etheridge. Fassifern. Gladstone. Gympie. Herberton. Highfields. Hughenden. Ipswich. Kennedy.
ALL PERSONS 1,416 11,560 8,438 7,937 1,980 1,290 14,108 21,489 1,725 7,597 4,573 17,463 6,140 4,427 3,234 11,931 28,872
Persons of specified Occupations 1,411 11,532 8,423 7,912 1,977 1,287 14,035 21,392 1,724 7,569 4,557 17,421 6,128 4,422 3,233 11,873 28,827
Persons of Ill-defined or Undefined Occupations, and Persons returned as having no Occupation 5 28 15 25 3 3 73 97 1 28 16 42 12 5 1 58 45
I.—Professional M. 35 99 72 67 36 34 259 401 30 64 74 189 125 54 54 217 366
F. 27 67 43 43 16 6 187 197 5 43 40 157 36 14 26 126 212
II.—Domestic M. 30 127 77 85 44 60 251 194 55 33 74 143 178 23 135 126 415
F. 91 291 171 163 81 48 689 581 65 140 142 497 183 54 168 425 915
III.—Commercial M. 80 216 121 100 56 47 754 1,399 66 128 143 726 288 65 166 588 1,362
F. 17 33 14 7 3 4 180 243 16 13 146 10 11 3 138 167
IV.—Transport and Communication M. 25 142 150 218 53 45 361 935 99 67 197 326 259 99 200 283 832
F. 5 7 6 2 7 24 3 4 5 6 1 3 1 4 5
V.—Industrial M. 153 481 385 306 174 103 1,492 2,712 98 272 477 1,043 888 289 366 1,626 1,898
F. 24 52 17 27 8 2 285 857 3 36 29 225 21 16 12 407 300
VI.—Agricultural, Pastoral, Mineral, &c. M. 60 2,982 2,320 2,231 520 424 831 346 689 1,805 784 3,027 1,884 1,017 651 499 5,626
F. 269 148 124 5 1 54 19 1 170 17 54 16 73 8 4 66
VII.—Indefinite M. 4 18 13 7 2 2 36 47 14 11 21 11 3 1 27 21
F. 1 10 2 18 1 1 37 50 1 14 5 21 1 2 31 24
VIII.—Dependents M. 263 2,347 1,659 1,547 366 194 2,867 4,373 201 1,609 858 3,769 818 862 516 2,487 5,733
F. 606 4,421 3,239 2,988 615 317 5,818 9,111 409 3,182 1,704 7,113 1,421 1,842 927 4,943 10,930
1.—Government, Defence, Law, and Protection M. 17 28 14 13 13 22 83 202 15 8 19 55 32 8 26 74 95
F. 1 7 4 3
2.—Religion, Charity, Health, Education, Art, and Science M. 18 71 58 54 23 12 176 199 15 56 55 134 93 46 28 143 271
F. 27 66 43 43 16 6 180 193 5 43 40 157 36 14 26 123 212
3.—Board and Lodging and paid Personal Service M. 30 127 77 85 44 60 251 194 55 33 74 143 178 23 135 126 415
F. 91 291 171 163 81 48 689 581 65 140 142 497 183 54 168 425 915
4.—Exchange, Valuation, Insurance, Lease, Custody of Money, Land, or Property Rights M. 11 41 13 13 7 4 131 185 5 10 22 148 22 6 19 77 171
F. 3 9 2 1 1 1 39 30 1 3 14 3 1 28 13
5.—Art and Mechanical Productions M. 3 10 4 3 1 81 133 2 6 6 34 7 4 8 39 76
F. 3 18 21 1 1 4 2 1 4 10
6.—Sale, Hire, or Exchange of Textile Fabrics and Fibrous Materials M. 5 22 4 4 2 1 83 188 12 13 61 14 5 12 65 100
F. 1 8 1 1 49 58 1 5 45 3 2 30 49
7.—Sale of Food, Drinks, Narcotics, and Stimulants M. 26 53 41 25 8 5 203 400 24 43 44 256 99 21 34 204 477
F. 2 6 2 3 2 22 70 1 39 2 3 1 29 36
8.—Animals, and Animal and Vegetable Substances, Treating, Dealing (excluding Food) M. 3 13 11 13 12 5 71 115 2 11 11 41 13 8 26 24 86
F. 2 6 2 4
9.—Minerals and Substances mainly used for Fuel and Light M. 2 2 4 1 2 3 17 53 5 67 8 6 12 152
10.—Minerals other than for Fuel M. 2 1 15 58 2 26 2 1 27 27
F. 1 1 1 2 1
11.—General Dealers, Mercantile Pursuits, not elsewhere classed M. 30 73 43 41 24 29 152 255 28 44 47 92 122 21 59 138 272
F. 7 8 8 2 3 50 56 10 4 41 5 1 43 59
12.—Persons engaged as Speculators on Chance Events M. 1 3 1 1 2
F. 1 2
13.—Persons engaged in Storage M. 9 1 1
14.—Transport of Passengers, Goods, or Communications M. 25 142 150 218 53 45 361 935 99 67 197 326 259 99 200 283 832
F. 5 7 6 2 7 24 3 4 5 6 1 3 1 4 5
15.—Manufacture or Process relating to Art and Mechanic Productions M. 24 72 72 46 22 10 334 715 15 78 109 186 96 106 39 515 301
F. 1 6 65 1 1 1 6
16.—Manufacture, Repairs, Cleansing, &c., Textile Fabrics and Fibrous Materials M. 6 10 9 4 7 2 107 384 1 2 15 102 13 1 9 150 84
F. 23 50 15 15 8 2 272 717 3 36 24 216 20 15 12 400 286
17.—Manufacture or ProcessesreFood, Drinks, Narcotics, and Stimulants M. 9 57 19 5 9 3 166 297 11 30 48 98 31 8 15 82 187
F. 1 1 2 1 4 35 6 1 1 1 6
18.—Manufacture or ProcessesreAnimal and Vegetable Substances not otherwise classed M. 29 39 45 24 13 30 106 14 2 40 38 51 27 20 14 206
F. 1
19.—Alteration, Modification, or ManufacturereMetals or Mineral Matters M. 8 49 46 26 13 11 143 264 13 32 15 121 156 29 18 219 241
20.—Conversion of Coal and other Substances to purposes of Heat, Light, or Energy M. 9 13 9 14 27 3 20
21.—Construction or Repair, Buildings, Roads, Railways, Canals, Docks, Earthworks, &c. M. 31 134 69 74 22 8 431 709 18 68 99 375 340 54 46 280 378
22.—Disposal of the Dead, Dead Matter, Silt, or Refuse. M. 9 22 1 7 5 10
F. 1
23.—Industrial Workers imperfectly defined M. 75 130 131 106 77 56 263 202 16 60 151 102 174 64 219 358 471
F. 11 2 40 4 1 5 2
24.—Cultivation of Land, Rearing or Breeding Animals, or obtaining Raw Products from natural sources M. 60 2,982 2,320 2,231 520 424 831 346 689 1,805 784 3,027 1,884 1,017 651 499 5,626
F. 269 140 124 5 1 54 19 1 170 17 54 16 73 8 4 66
25.—Occupations Undefined, Incomes derived from sources related to other classes M. 4 18 13 7 2 2 36 47 14 11 21 11 3 1 27 21
F. 1 10 2 18 1 1 37 50 1 14 5 21 1 2 31 24
26.—Persons dependent upon Natural Guardians M. 256 2,248 1,658 1,546 364 186 2,549 4,326 200 1,608 849 3,749 791 858 504 2,301 5,666
F. 602 4,419 3,239 2,988 615 316 5,460 8,987 407 3,182 1,700 7,101 1,418 1,842 922 4,909 10,876
27.—Persons dependent upon the State, or Public or Private Support M. 7 99 1 1 2 8 318 47 1 1 9 20 27 4 12 186 67
F. 4 2 1 358 124 2 4 12 3 5 34 54