OCCUPATIONS. SEX. Aramac. Balonne. Blackall. Bowen. Brisbane. Bundaberg. Burke. Burnett. Caboolture. Cairns. Cardwell. Charleville. Clermont. Cloncurry. Cook. Croydon. Cunnamulla.
ALL PERSONS 4,770 2,738 3,790 3,268 62,923 15,843 1,115 5,958 9,761 11,013 4,332 3,761 6,232 1,585 4,514 4,641 3,201
Persons of specified Occupations 4,762 2,736 3,781 3,260 62,545 15,817 1,110 5,949 9,737 10,971 4,326 3,759 6,226 1,584 4,508 4,639 3,197
Persons of Ill-defined or Undefined Occupations, and Persons returned as having no Occupation 8 2 9 8 378 26 5 9 24 42 6 2 6 1 6 2 4
I.—Professional M. 89 63 66 42 2,070 182 30 86 113 193 39 61 75 25 100 100 57
F. 45 26 40 36 932 120 5 38 61 72 22 30 45 5 46 30 35
II.—Domestic M. 182 99 102 54 1,097 174 58 63 77 256 108 123 98 99 131 148 138
F. 283 136 157 132 3,070 443 104 164 227 348 93 189 196 104 193 239 151
III.—Commercial M. 194 54 126 118 5,086 538 44 139 176 556 135 110 155 43 221 247 97
F. 20 2 9 13 1,094 94 4 11 38 25 7 13 16 1 23 8 6
IV.—Transport and Communication M. 198 34 181 148 3,479 336 78 135 234 493 62 245 263 118 251 229 126
F. 1 3 2 2 47 10 1 2 17 3 2 9 3 2 2 1
V.—Industrial M. 346 276 233 214 7,820 1,395 84 428 516 1,043 231 338 344 106 221 311 323
F. 19 4 17 19 2,519 128 1 20 34 68 11 25 21 3 36 36 12
VI.—Agricultural, Pastoral, Mineral, &c. M. 1,018 778 757 889 659 3,651 356 1,486 2,245 3,940 2,222 732 2,086 581 1,320 899 940
F. 11 7 5 25 13 184 41 187 52 53 4 12 4 14 4 2
VII.—Indefinite M. 2 1 7 4 214 12 3 7 13 38 1 1 5 1 1 3
F. 6 1 2 4 164 14 2 2 11 4 5 1 1 5 2 1
VIII.—Dependents M. 821 438 775 533 10,637 2,926 143 1,152 1,968 1,395 473 657 983 172 710 842 458
F. 1,535 816 1,311 1,035 24,022 5,636 202 2,184 3,844 2,527 868 1,223 1,929 323 1,240 1,544 851
1.—Government, Defence, Law, and Protection M. 48 34 28 21 956 75 21 18 35 66 17 36 27 14 55 47 31
F. 2 12 2 2 1
2.—Religion, Charity, Health, Education, Art, and Science M. 41 29 38 21 1,114 107 9 68 78 127 22 25 48 11 45 53 26
F. 45 26 38 36 920 118 5 38 61 72 22 30 45 5 44 29 35
3.—Board and Lodging and paid Personal Service M. 182 99 102 54 1,097 174 58 63 77 256 108 123 98 99 131 148 138
F. 283 136 157 132 3,070 443 104 164 227 348 93 189 196 104 193 239 151
4.—Exchange, Valuation, Insurance, Lease, Custody of Money, Land, or Property Rights M. 22 6 12 12 693 59 3 15 21 44 11 8 11 3 20 25 7
F. 2 144 5 3 17 5 4 1 3 11 2 1
5.—Art and Mechanical Productions M. 4 1 3 3 533 45 1 8 25 1 7 9 8 9 3
F. 1 88 6 1 1 1 1
6.—Sale, Hire, or Exchange of Textile Fabrics and Fibrous Materials M. 9 2 3 11 729 59 2 13 40 5 6 17 21 11 4
F. 5 1 2 1 297 28 3 2 8 1 6 2
7.—Sale of Food, Drinks, Narcotics, and Stimulants M. 41 12 33 43 1,289 194 10 41 53 236 50 32 44 10 87 80 23
F. 4 2 3 243 25 3 5 1 3 3 1 2 2 2
8.—Animals, and Animal and Vegetable Substances, Treating, Dealing (excluding Food) M. 17 5 9 7 276 20 8 9 29 8 2 16 15 6 5 8 6
F. 15 1
9.—Minerals and Substances mainly used for Fuel and Light M. 9 5 106 30 1 2 1 1 2 5 4 6 22 3
F. 2
10.—Minerals other than for Fuel M. 5 1 177 32 1 4 13 6 9 2
F. 2
11.—General Dealers, Mercantile Pursuits, not elsewhere classed M. 87 28 59 42 1,201 99 21 69 47 188 65 37 53 20 68 82 49
F. 11 1 4 7 296 29 3 5 15 6 2 8 9 4 2 3
12.—Persons engaged as Speculators on Chance Events M. 1 22 1 2 1 1
F. 7
13.—Persons engaged in Storage M. 60 1
14.—Transport of Passengers, Goods, or Communications M. 198 34 181 148 3,479 336 78 135 234 493 62 245 263 118 251 229 126
F. 1 3 2 2 47 10 1 2 17 3 2 9 3 2 2 1
15.—Manufacture or Process relating to Art and Mechanic Productions M. 39 18 46 37 2,049 256 18 45 180 197 30 47 62 18 35 43 34
F. 1 160 2 2 2 1 1 1
16.—Manufacture, Repairs, Cleansing, &c., Textile Fabrics and Fibrous Materials M. 10 5 12 7 1,291 53 1 14 16 14 4 6 18 8 7 2
F. 18 3 16 19 2,175 122 1 16 27 63 10 13 18 2 22 36 12
17.—Manufacture or ProcessesreFood, Drinks, Narcotics, and Stimulants M. 26 9 23 41 1,040 315 9 17 45 269 62 18 24 6 67 57 7
F. 1 1 112 3 2 5 4 1 2 1
18.—Manufacture or ProcessesreAnimal and Vegetable Substances not otherwise classed M. 30 34 27 8 68 27 4 100 24 93 6 26 32 21 12 41 26
F. 1 1
19.—Alteration, Modification, or ManufacturereMetals or Mineral Matters M. 27 10 22 10 690 165 2 28 43 47 16 22 34 13 23 45 20
F. 3
20.—Conversion of Coal and other Substances to purposes of Heat, Light, or Energy M. 1 81 12 4 3
F. 1
21.—Construction or Repair, Buildings, Roads, Railways, Canals, Docks, Earthworks, &c. M. 60 21 36 55 1,615 262 5 72 104 286 35 70 46 15 54 54 42
22.—Disposal of the Dead, Dead Matter, Silt, or Refuse. M. 1 1 75 8 1 10 4 4 3 1
F. 1
23.—Industrial Workers imperfectly defined M. 154 178 65 56 911 297 45 151 104 123 78 149 124 33 18 58 191
F. 68 10 1 12
24.—Cultivation of Land, Rearing or Breeding Animals, or obtaining Raw Products from natural sources M. 1,018 778 757 889 659 3,651 356 1,486 2,245 3,940 2,222 732 2,086 581 1,320 899 940
F. 11 7 5 25 13 184 41 187 52 53 4 12 4 14 4 2
25.—Occupations Undefined, Incomes derived from sources related to other classes M. 2 1 7 4 214 12 3 7 13 38 1 1 5 1 1 3
F. 6 1 2 4 164 14 2 2 11 4 5 1 1 5 2 1
26.—Persons dependent upon Natural Guardians M. 800 426 741 527 10,260 2,899 143 1,145 1,960 1,343 464 648 967 171 691 816 452
F. 1,531 810 1,307 1,035 23,771 5,622 202 2,183 3,842 2,524 866 1,221 1,925 323 1,239 1,535 861
27.—Persons dependent upon the State, or Public or Private Support M. 21 12 34 6 377 27 7 8 52 9 9 16 1 19 26 6
F. 4 6 4 251 14 1 2 3 2 2 4 1 9