Aramac. Balonne. Blackall. Bowen. Brisbane. Bundaberg. Burke. Burnett. Caboolture. Cairns. Cardwell. Charleville. Clermont. Cloncurry. Cook. Croydon. Cunnamulla. Dalby. Darling Downs Central. Darling Downs East. Darling Downs North. Darling Downs West. Diamentina. Drayton and Toowoomba. Enoggera. Etheridge. Fassifern. Gladstone. Gympie.
ALL AGES—Males 2,151 1,350 1,689 1,287 25,393 5,674 473 2,700 4,038 3,465 1,204 1,710 3,131 787 1,579 1,999 1,735 493 5,086 3,526 3,414 948 712 5,402 8,055 878 3,010 2,032 7,208
ALL AGES—Females 1,346 702 1,123 958 26,248 5,012 150 1,786 3,304 2,225 729 1,032 1,623 238 1,168 1,281 779 591 3,975 2,684 2,415 518 274 5,840 8,818 335 2,674 1,468 6,389
ALL AGES—Persons 3,497 2,052 2,052 2,245 51,641 10,686 623 4,486 7,342 5,790 1,933 2,742 4,754 1,025 2,747 3,280 2,514 1,084 9,061 6,210 5,829 1,466 986 11,242 16,873 1,213 5,684 3,500 13,597
Under 1 year
1 year and under 2 years
2 year and under 3 years
3 year and under 4 years
4 year and under 5 years
Total Females under 5 years
5 years and under 10 years 167 78 153 126 2,144 659 25 247 427 251 115 105 217 33 145 152 114 57 526 350 318 45 39 578 957 68 394 182 792
10 years and under 15 years 224 109 202 132 3,452 879 30 329 589 390 101 175 300 34 227 250 150 98 693 477 462 86 42 853 1,386 51 488 232 1,133
15 years and under 20 years 198 117 147 115 3,391 679 15 223 449 274 96 149 207 26 177 161 94 98 575 409 312 91 25 773 1,104 39 408 179 944
20 years and under 21 years 26 14 32 22 762 121 2 47 79 62 17 30 39 5 38 27 13 18 111 70 53 18 7 161 227 5 68 28 147
Total Females returned as under 21 years 615 318 534 395 9,752 2,338 72 846 1,544 977 332 459 763 98 587 590 371 271 1,905 1,306 1,145 240 113 2,365 3,674 163 1,358 621 3,016
Female Children—Age not specified 1
Total Minors—Females 615 318 534 395 9,752 2,338 72 846 1,544 977 332 459 763 98 587 590 371 271 1,905 1,307 1,145 240 113 2,365 3,671 163 1,358 621 3,016
21 years and under 25 years 139 74 93 101 3,096 442 14 152 281 199 74 98 156 23 87 99 75 53 371 237 234 48 21 628 874 20 219 151 592
25 years and under 30 years 158 73 134 90 3,068 483 15 168 298 261 83 117 161 18 96 119 76 76 393 235 261 47 27 630 921 41 229 179 603
30 years and under 35 years 135 70 119 110 2,503 421 19 157 257 259 67 97 153 28 67 141 95 52 331 231 192 48 40 508 830 25 186 144 525
35 years and under 40 years 121 50 83 76 2,110 372 10 133 248 188 65 78 116 22 105 135 64 36 242 190 170 33 23 101 727 38 160 117 465
40 years and under 45 years 73 40 63 45 1,543 275 11 101 164 125 38 71 99 21 78 91 35 26 223 160 118 44 16 344 585 19 136 84 383
45 years and under 50 years 35 27 31 29 1,179 203 4 61 142 82 27 41 51 9 52 46 32 13 154 98 80 20 11 225 378 11 85 53 234
50 years and under 55 years 29 18 25 34 956 178 3 39 127 64 15 28 47 8 34 27 9 12 119 83 71 13 5 184 255 7 94 37 165
55 years and under 60 years 19 22 21 37 747 121 2 51 82 35 10 20 41 1 26 11 6 23 85 57 53 7 3 189 213 6 73 35 146
60 years and under 65 years 11 5 12 24 552 84 37 81 20 10 8 16 3 16 14 11 14 70 48 47 12 1 172 163 2 46 25 104
65 years and under 70 years 4 3 7 6 370 47 15 41 5 6 10 8 2 10 5 3 10 36 25 22 4 1 90 85 3 42 13 79
70 years and under 75 years 5 1 1 4 189 22 9 21 4 1 2 7 2 3 2 1 2 24 8 8 55 66 21 4 38
75 years and under 80 years 1 4 107 16 14 8 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 10 3 8 1 26 23 17 3 15
80 years and under 90 years 1 3 51 9 2 8 2 2 2 2 5 1 4 1 16 19 8 2 14
90 years to 100 years and upwards 3 1 1 2 2 3
Age not specified—Adult Females 1 22 1 2 1 2 1 2 7 3 7
Total Adult Females 731 381 589 563 16,496 2,674 78 940 1,760 1,248 397 573 860 140 581 691 408 320 2,070 1,377 1,270 278 161 3,475 5,144 172 1,316 847 3,373
Who can Read and Write by Vicennial Periods.—
Under 1 year to under 20 years 589 304 502 373 8,990 2,217 70 799 1,465 915 315 429 724 93 549 563 358 253 1,794 1,236 1,092 222 106 2,204 3,447 158 1,290 593 2,869
20 years and under 40 years 579 281 461 399 11,539 1,839 60 657 1,163 969 306 420 625 96 393 521 323 235 1,451 963 910 194 131 2,328 3,579 129 862 619 2,332
40 years and under 60 years 156 107 140 145 4,425 777 20 252 515 306 90 160 238 42 190 175 82 74 581 398 322 84 35 942 1,431 43 388 209 928
60 years and under 80 years 21 9 20 38 1,218 169 75 151 33 18 22 34 7 33 22 16 27 140 84 85 17 2 343 337 5 126 45 236
80 years to 100 years 1 3 54 9 3 8 2 2 3 2 7 1 4 1 16 21 8 2 17
Children—Age not specified 1
Adults 1 22 1 2 1 2 1 2 7 3 7
TOTAL 1,346 702 1,123 958 26,248 5,012 150 1,786 3,304 2,225 729 1,032 1,623 238 1,168 1,281 779 591 3,975 2,684 2,415 518 274 5,840 8,818 335 2,674 1,468 6,389