Aramac. Balonne. Blackall. Bowen. Brisbane. Bundaberg. Burke. Burnett. Caboolture. Cairns. Cardwell. Charleville. Clermont. Cloncurry. Cook. Croydon. Cunnamulla. Dalby. Darling Downs Central. Darling Downs East. Darling Downs North. Darling Downs West. Diamentina. Drayton and Toowoomba. Enoggera. Etheridge. Fassifern. Gladstone. Gympie.
ALL AGES—Males 2,151 1,350 1,689 1,287 25,393 5,674 473 2,700 4,038 3,465 1,204 1,710 3,131 787 1,579 1,999 1,735 493 5,086 3,526 3,411 948 712 5,402 8,055 878 3,010 2,032 7,208
ALL AGES—Females 1,346 702 1,123 958 26,248 5,012 150 1,786 3,304 2,222 729 1,032 1,623 238 1,168 1,281 779 591 3,975 2,684 2,415 518 274 5,840 8,818 335 2,674 1,468 6,389
ALL AGES—Persons 3,497 2,052 2,812 2,245 51,641 10,686 623 4,486 7,342 5,790 1,933 2,742 4,754 1,025 2,747 3,280 2,514 1,084 9,061 6,210 5,829 1,466 986 11,242 16,873 1,213 5,684 3,500 13,597
Under 1 year
1 year and under 2 years
2 year and under 3 years
3 year and under 4 years
4 year and under 5 years
Total Males under 5 years
5 years and under 10 years 152 61 150 103 2,185 638 27 236 437 299 107 143 202 25 151 167 77 46 542 303 292 61 38 558 909 44 376 169 830
10 years and under 15 years 205 111 194 155 3,461 877 26 343 621 357 130 187 276 38 225 241 126 81 796 539 448 102 38 837 1,423 56 513 226 1,178
15 years and under 20 years 157 103 119 103 3,026 682 24 320 501 236 86 137 218 48 123 142 120 56 695 470 434 109 34 663 1,027 55 440 188 893
20 years and under 21 years 29 26 25 26 566 100 8 72 86 69 20 30 50 5 21 28 28 8 111 99 81 24 7 99 161 9 56 43 148
Total Males returned as under 21 years 543 301 488 387 9,238 2,295 85 971 1,645 961 343 497 746 116 523 578 351 191 2,144 1,411 1,255 296 115 2,157 3,520 164 1,385 626 3,049
Male Children—Age not specified
Total Minors—Males 543 301 488 387 9,238 2,295 85 971 1,645 961 343 197 746 116 523 578 351 191 2,144 1,411 1,255 296 115 2,157 3,520 164 1,385 626 3,049
21 years and under 25 years 152 116 96 91 2,467 465 27 227 376 263 87 112 174 51 84 112 132 36 492 339 340 82 37 478 635 63 241 189 606
25 years and under 30 years 211 138 173 135 2,631 501 53 265 338 424 118 190 285 80 135 161 196 48 464 333 393 101 66 498 675 80 270 224 635
30 years and under 35 years 267 166 206 166 2,392 501 60 268 326 396 171 179 352 97 140 228 223 57 433 278 322 98 111 430 663 104 221 233 618
35 years and under 40 years 273 169 177 128 2,362 513 74 247 324 497 150 171 345 109 167 285 231 31 378 280 281 95 107 410 732 104 207 202 561
40 years and under 45 years 238 130 194 124 1,861 388 71 200 282 320 109 178 276 105 140 224 216 32 276 214 189 78 91 336 602 94 165 152 510
45 years and under 50 years 148 107 99 66 1,287 298 38 145 188 217 52 125 230 80 97 164 124 21 237 172 155 58 74 242 400 88 129 115 367
50 years and under 55 years 101 84 81 50 940 235 27 99 162 151 70 102 188 54 83 96 100 11 191 137 127 47 42 197 277 65 107 76 252
55 years and under 60 years 79 61 66 45 745 198 22 107 123 105 29 82 157 40 79 66 69 15 168 135 134 34 34 201 213 54 106 74 212
60 years and under 65 years 70 45 66 48 663 120 7 71 136 70 35 37 196 35 66 45 52 24 153 98 98 23 23 190 163 35 76 74 187
65 years and under 70 years 38 19 22 27 408 74 7 50 79 36 20 25 120 10 44 23 27 17 76 69 63 25 8 119 86 16 57 32 121
70 years and under 75 years 19 8 8 15 232 26 2 29 36 12 10 9 38 8 15 13 10 6 40 34 30 8 4 76 43 8 29 23 52
75 years and under 80 years 4 3 6 3 100 26 14 17 8 2 15 2 4 4 3 3 18 15 19 2 37 28 1 8 6 20
80 years and under 90 years 3 1 3 1 37 13 5 4 2 2 5 2 1 1 9 10 7 1 23 15 7 4 15
90 years to 100 years and upwards 2 2 1 1 3
Age not specified—Adult Males 5 2 4 1 28 21 2 2 8 1 4 7 1 5 3 2 2 2 3
Total Adult Males 1,608 1,049 1,201 900 16,155 3,379 388 1,729 2,393 2,504 861 1,213 2,385 671 1,056 1,421 1,384 302 2,942 2,115 2,159 652 597 3,245 4,535 714 1,625 1,406 4,159
who can Read and Write by Vicennial Periods.—
Under 1 year to under 20 years 514 275 463 361 8,672 2,195 77 899 1,559 892 323 467 696 111 502 550 323 183 2,033 1,312 1,174 272 108 2,058 3,359 155 1,329 583 2,901
20 years and under 40 years 932 615 677 546 10,418 2,080 222 1,079 1,450 1,649 546 682 1,206 342 547 811 810 180 1,878 1,329 1,417 400 328 1,915 2,866 360 995 891 2,568
40 years and under 60 years 566 382 440 285 4,833 1,119 158 551 755 793 260 487 851 279 399 550 509 79 872 658 605 217 241 976 1,492 301 507 417 1,341
60 years and under 80 years 131 75 102 93 1,403 246 16 164 268 126 67 71 369 55 129 85 92 50 287 216 210 58 35 422 320 60 170 135 380
80 years to 100 years 3 1 3 1 39 13 7 4 3 2 5 2 1 1 9 11 7 1 26 15 7 4 15
Children—Age not specified
Adults— Age not spesified 5 2 4 1 28 21 2 2 8 1 4 7 1 5 3 2 2 2 3
TOTAL 2,151 1,350 1,689 1,287 25,393 5,674 473 2,700 1,038 3,465 1,204 1,710 3,131 787 1,579 1,999 1,735 493 5,086 3,526 3,414 948 712 5,402 8,035 878 3,010 2,032 7,208