Table No. LII.—continued., SHOWING a comparison of the NUMBER of MALES, FEMALES, and PERSONS returned as having been BORN in the undermentioned COUNTRIES at the CENSUS ENUMERATIONS of 1861, 1864, 1868, 1871, 1876, 1881, 1886, 1891, and 1901 respectively—continued.
Countries. Birthplaces. Census Period in which certain Birthplaces were Grouped. Census Period. Number of Persons, &c., returned as having been Born in the undermentioned Countries at each Census Period. Numerical Increase or Decrease.
Birthplaces as Grouped at certain Census Periods. Birthplaces Particularised. Increase. Decrease.
Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons.
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Born of White Parents 1861 to 1876 No Return.
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Born of White Parents 1,881 18 6 24
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Born of White Parents 1,886 22 6 28 4 4
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Born of White Parents 1,891 18 14 32 8 4 4
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Born of White Parents 1,901 16 11 27 2 3 5
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,861 537 1 538
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,864 628 628 91 90 1
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,868 2,621 8 2,629 1,993 8 2,001
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives Including Japanese.
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,871 3,304 1 3,305 683 676 7
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,876 10,399 13 10,412 7,095 12 7,107
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,881 11,206 23 11,229
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,886 10,425 38 10,463 15 781 766
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,891 8,495 27 8,522 1,930 11 1,941
ASIA(continued) CHINA—Natives 1,901 8,350 95 8,445 68 145 77
ASIA(continued) JAPAN—Japan 1861 to 1876 No Return.
ASIA(continued) JAPAN—Japan 1,881 8 3 11
ASIA(continued) JAPAN—Born of White Parents 1,886 1 1 1 1
ASIA(continued) JAPAN—Born of White Parents 1,891 1 1
ASIA(continued) JAPAN—Born of White Parents 1,901 2 2 2 2
ASIA(continued) JAPAN—Natives 1,886 72 1 73 64 62 2
ASIA(continued) JAPAN—Natives 1,891 43 6 49 5 29 24
ASIA(continued) JAPAN—Natives 1,901 2,111 144 2,255 2,068 138 2,206
ASIA(continued) Malay Peninsula and Archipelago 1,886 1,037 55 1,092 851 46 897
ASIA(continued) Malay Peninsula and Archipelago 1,891 1,092 79 1,171 55 24 79
ASIA(continued) Malay Peninsula and Archipelago 1,901 637 22 659 455 57 512
ASIA(continued) Other Countries in Asia 1861 to 1876 No Return.
ASIA(continued) Other Countries in Asia 1,881 225 10 235
ASIA(continued) Other Countries in Asia 1,886 39 1 40
ASIA(continued) Other Countries in Asia 1,891 120 17 137 81 16 97
ASIA(continued) Other Countries in Asia 1,901 714 109 823 594 92 686
AFRICA Africa 1,861 No Return.
AFRICA Africa 1,864
AFRICA Africa 1,868
AFRICA Africa 1,871 68 33 101
AFRICA Africa 1,876 64 23 87 4 10 14
AFRICA Africa 1,881 39 26 65 3 25 22
AFRICA Africa 1,886 107 30 137
AFRICA Cape of Good Hope 1,886 55 36 91
AFRICA Cape of Good Hope 1,891 68 42 110 13 6 19
AFRICA Cape of Good Hope 1,901 27 15 42 41 27 68
AFRICA Gold Coast 1,886 1 1
AFRICA Gold Coast 1,891 1 1
AFRICA Gold Coast 1,901
AFRICA Zanzibar 1,886 8 8
AFRICA Zanzibar 1,891 3 3 5 5
AFRICA Zanzibar 1,901 2 2 1 1
AFRICA Other Parts of Africa 1,886 82 20 102
AFRICA Other Parts of Africa 1,891 87 26 113 5 6 11
AFRICA Other Parts of Africa 1,901 53 12 65 34 14 48
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Pacific Islands 1,861 No Return.
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Pacific Islands 1,868 1,536 7 1,543
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Pacific Islands 1,871 2,255 81 2,336 719 74 793
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Pacific Islands 1,876 4,938 170 5,108 2,683 89 2,772
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Born of White Parents 1,881 25 23 48
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Born of White Parents 1,886 68 33 101 43 10 53
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Born of White Parents 1,891 59 36 95 3 9 6
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Born of White Parents 1,901 28 21 49 31 15 46
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Natives 1,881 5,975 373 6,348
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Natives 1,886 9,116 921 10,037 3,141 547 3,688
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Natives 1,891 8,498 745 9,243 618 176 794
OTHER COUNTRIES POLYNESIA—Natives 1,901 8,380 380 8,760 118 365 483
Including other British Dominions.
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,861 330 70 400
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,864 709 116 825 379 46 425
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,868 676 82 758 33 34 67
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,871 7 7 669 82 751
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,876 378 167 545 371 167 538
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,881 195 55 250 183 112 295
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,886 4 2 6 191 53 244
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,891 3 2 5 1 1
OTHER COUNTRIES Other Countries not previously named 1,901 4 4 1 2 1