Persons. Per Cent. of the Total Population.
Born in Queensland, including civilised Aborigines and Half-castes 289,531 57.54
Born in other Australian States 39,042 7.75
Born in New Zealand 1,571 0.31
Total born in Australasia 330,144 65.60
Born in England 68,589 13.63
Born in Scotland 19,934 3.96
Born in Ireland 37,636 7.48
Total born in United Kingdom 126,159 25.07
Born in Germany 13,163 2.61
Born in Denmark 3,158 0.63
Born in Sweden and Norway 2,142 0.43
Born in Italy 845 0.17
Born in France 364 0.07
Born in other countries in Europe 1,426 0.28
Total Europeans of foreign birth 21,098 4.19
Born in Canada 404 0.08
Born in United States 926 0.18
Born in other American States 141 0.03
Total born in America 1,471 0.29
Born in China (natives) 8,445 1.68
Born in Pacific Islands (natives) 8,760 1.74
Born in Japan (natives) 2,255 0.45
Born in India, Malaysia, and other Asiatic countries (natives) 2,315 0.46
Total Coloured Aliens 21,775 4.33
Born in British Possessions and unspecified 1,016 0.20
Born of white parents in Africa, Asia, &c. 646 0.13
Born at sea 634 0.13
Total Elsewhere 2,296 0.46
Unspecified 323 0.06
Total Population 503,266 100.00