Unspecified (Education) |
Males and Females of, Census 1901 |
146 to 149 |
Unspecified (Education) |
Persons, Males and Females, of (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
132 |
Unspecified Religious Denomination |
Comparative Tables, Census 1861 to 1901 |
XC. |
183 |
Unspecified Religious Denomination |
Centesimal Proportion of, to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1901 |
193 |
Unspecified Religious Denomination |
Number of Males and Females of, in each Census District |
XCI. |
185 |
Unrepresented |
Portion of Colony, Population of, Census 1901 |
XX. |
38 |
Unrepresented |
Portion of Colony, Number of Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
27 |
Urban |
Population in Connection with |
IX. |
8 |
Vessels |
(See " Ships.") |
Victoria |
(See " Australian States.") |
Warrego (Census Dist. of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
106 & 107 |
Warrego (Census Dist. of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
446 & 447 |
Warrego (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
27 |
Warwick (Cen. Dist. of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
106 & 107 |
Warwick (Cen. Dist. of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
448 & 449 |
Warwick (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
27 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Centesimal Proportion of, to Total Population (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
193 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Number of Persons, Males and Females, returned as belonging to (Comparative) |
XC. |
180 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Numerical and Centesimal Increase in |
XC. |
180 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Number of Persons returned as belonging to, living in each Census District |
XCI. |
184 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to |
194 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Number of Chinese returned as belonging to, living in each Census District |
XCV. |
195 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Number of Pacific Islanders returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
196 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Number of Japanese returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
197 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Number of Other Alien Races returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
199 |
Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Number of Aborigines returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
C. |
200 |
Western Australia |
(See " Australian States.") |
Westwood (Cen. Dist. of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
106 & 107 |
Westwood (Cen. Dist. of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
450 & 451 |
Wide Bay (Census Dist. of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
108 & 109 |
Wide Bay (Census Dist. of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
452 & 453 |
Wide Bay (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
27 |
Widowed |
Number of Persons, Males and Females (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
162 |
Widowed |
Centesimal Proportion to Total Population (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
162 |
Widowed |
Number of, at Age Periods, Census 1901 |
170 & 171 |
Widowed |
Number of Chinese, at Age Periods, Census 1901 |
177 |
Widowed |
Number of Pacific Islanders, at Age Periods, Census 1901 |
177 |
Widowed |
Number of Japanese, at Age Periods, Census 1901 |
177 |
Widowed |
Number of Indians and Cingalese (coloured), at Age Periods, Census 1901 |
177 |
Widowed. |
Number of Other Alien Races, at Age Periods, in each Census District |
177 |
Widowed |
Number of Aborigines, at Age Periods, Census 1901 |
177 |
Woolloongabba (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
27 |
Woothakata (Cen. Dist. of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
108 & 109 |
Woothakata (Cen. Dist. of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
454 & 455 |