Unspecified (Education) Males and Females of, Census 1901 LXVII. and LXVIII. 146 to 149
Unspecified (Education) Persons, Males and Females, of (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 LVII. 132
Unspecified Religious Denomination Comparative Tables, Census 1861 to 1901 XC. 183
Unspecified Religious Denomination Centesimal Proportion of, to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1901 XCIII. 193
Unspecified Religious Denomination Number of Males and Females of, in each Census District XCI. 185
Unrepresented Portion of Colony, Population of, Census 1901 XX. 38
Unrepresented Portion of Colony, Number of Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Urban Population in Connection with IX. 8
Vessels (See " Ships.")
Victoria (See " Australian States.")
Warrego (Census Dist. of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 106 & 107
Warrego (Census Dist. of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CLXIX. 446 & 447
Warrego (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Warwick (Cen. Dist. of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 106 & 107
Warwick (Cen. Dist. of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CLXX. 448 & 449
Warwick (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Wesleyan Methodist Church Centesimal Proportion of, to Total Population (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 XCIII. 193
Wesleyan Methodist Church Number of Persons, Males and Females, returned as belonging to (Comparative) XC. 180
Wesleyan Methodist Church Numerical and Centesimal Increase in XC. 180
Wesleyan Methodist Church Number of Persons returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCI. 184
Wesleyan Methodist Church Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to XCIV. 194
Wesleyan Methodist Church Number of Chinese returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCV. 195
Wesleyan Methodist Church Number of Pacific Islanders returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCVI. 196
Wesleyan Methodist Church Number of Japanese returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCVII. 197
Wesleyan Methodist Church Number of Other Alien Races returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCIX. 199
Wesleyan Methodist Church Number of Aborigines returned as belonging to, in each Census District C. 200
Western Australia (See " Australian States.")
Westwood (Cen. Dist. of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 106 & 107
Westwood (Cen. Dist. of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CLXXI. 450 & 451
Wide Bay (Census Dist. of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 108 & 109
Wide Bay (Census Dist. of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CLXXII. 452 & 453
Wide Bay (Electorate of) Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Widowed Number of Persons, Males and Females (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 LXXIII. 162
Widowed Centesimal Proportion to Total Population (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 LXXIV. 162
Widowed Number of, at Age Periods, Census 1901 LXXXIII. and LXXXIV. 170 & 171
Widowed Number of Chinese, at Age Periods, Census 1901 LXXXIX. 177
Widowed Number of Pacific Islanders, at Age Periods, Census 1901 LXXXIX. 177
Widowed Number of Japanese, at Age Periods, Census 1901 LXXXIX. 177
Widowed Number of Indians and Cingalese (coloured), at Age Periods, Census 1901 LXXXIX. 177
Widowed. Number of Other Alien Races, at Age Periods, in each Census District LXXXIX. 177
Widowed Number of Aborigines, at Age Periods, Census 1901 LXXXIX. 177
Woolloongabba (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Woothakata (Cen. Dist. of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 108 & 109
Woothakata (Cen. Dist. of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CLXXIII. 454 & 455