Population Adult Male, in each Electorate, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26 & 27
Population Birthplace of, Census (Comparative), 1861 to 1901 LII. 118 to 122
Population Religions of, Census 1901 XCI. 184 & 185
(Also, see " Males" or " Females," under which heads a more comprehensive Index will be found.)
Port Curtis (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Presbyterian Church Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as belonging to (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 XC. 180
Presbyterian Church Numerical and Centesimal Increase in (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 XC. 180
Presbyterian Church Centesimal Proportion of Denomination to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1901 XCIII. 193
Presbyterian Church Number of Persons returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCI. 184
Presbyterian Church Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to XCIV. 194
Presbyterian Church Number of Chinese returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCV. 195
Presbyterian Church Number of Pacific Islanders returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCVI. 196
Presbyterian Church Number of Japanese returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCVII. 197
Presbyterian Church Number of Indians and Cingalese (coloured), returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCVIII. 198
Presbyterian Church Number of Other Alien Races returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCIX. 199
Presbyterian Church Number of Aborigines returned as belonging to, in each Census District C. 200
Primitive Methodist Church Number of Persons returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCI. 184
Primitive Methodist Church Centesimal Proportion of Denomination to Total Population (Comparative), Census, 1901 XCIII. 193
Primitive Methodist Church Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to XCIV. 194
Primitive Methodist Church Number of Chinese returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCV. 195
Primitive Methodist Church Number of Pacific Islanders returned as belonging to, living in each Census District XCVI. 196
Prisons (See " Public Institutions.")
Prisoners Number of, in Population of Electoral Districts, Census 1901 XIX. 26 & 27
Prisoners Previous Occupation of, who were Confinees on 31st March, 1901 CIX. 321 to 325
Professional Class Number of Persons classified under, Census of 1901 CIII. 254
Professional Class Number of Males classified under, Census of 1901 CI. 202
Professional Class Number of Females classified under, Census of 1901 CII. 228
Professional Class Number of Persons classified under, by Ages, Census of 1901 CV. 284
Public Institutions Summary of Number of Persons (Males and Females) living in, according to Census of 1901 XVII. 24
Public Institutions Names of those situated in various Census Districts, 1901 XVI. 20 to 23
Public Institutions Number of Persons (Males and Females) Inmates of, in Census Districts, 1901 XVI. 20 to 23
Queensland (See " Australian States.")
Queensland Synoptical Results of whole State, Census 1901 CX. 328 & 329
Reception Houses (See " Public Institutions.")
Reformatories (See " Public Institutions.")
Religion, No Numbers of Persons (Males and Females) included under this head, Census 1901 XC. 183
Religion, No List of Returns, contained in Householders' Schedules, included under this head XCII. 190 & 191
Religion, No Number of Persons, in Age Periods, so returned XCIV. 194
Religions, Other Number of Persons (Males and Females) included under this head in each Census District, 1901 XCII. 190 & 191
Religions, Other Number of Persons, in Age Periods, so returned XCIV. 194
Religious Denominations Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned under each (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 XC. 180 to 183
Religious Denominations Numerical and Centesimal Increase in each (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 XC. 180 to 183
Religious Denominations Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, Census 1901 XCI. 184 & 185
Religous Denominations Number of Persons objecting to state to which Denomination they belonged, in each Census District XCI. 184 & 185
Religious Denominations Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to each Denomination XCIV. 194
Report Registrar-General's I to xliv.
Rockhampton (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 102 & 103
Rockhampton (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CLVIII. 424 & 425
Rockhampton (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Rockhampton North (Electorate of) Adult Males in, Inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Roman Catholics Number of Persons returned as being (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 XC. 180
Roman Catholics Numerical and Centesimal Increase in (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 XC. 180
Roman Catholics Centesimal Proportion of Denomination to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1901 XCIII. 193
Roman Catholics Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as being, in each Census District. XCI. 184
Roman Catholics Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to XCIV. 194
Roman Catholics Number of Chinese returned as being, in each Census District XCV. 195
Roman Catholics Number of Pacific Islanders returned as being, in each Census District XCVI. 196
Roman Catholics Number of Japanese returned as being, in each Census District XCVII. 197
Roman Catholics Number Indians and Cingalese (coloured) returned as being, in each Census District XCVIII. 198
Roman Catholics Number of Other Alien Races returned as being, in each Census District XCIX. 199
Roman Catholics Number of Aborigines returned as being, in each Census District C. 200
Rosewood (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 27
Salvation Army Number of Persons returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCI. 185
Salvation Army Number of Persons returned as belonging to (Comparative), 1886 to 1901 XC. 182
Salvation Army Centesimal Proportion of Persons returned as belonging to, Census 1886 to 1901 XCIII. 193