Other Christian Sects |
Centesimal Proportion of, to Total Population (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
193 |
Other Christian Sects |
Number of Persons returned as belonging to (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
XC. |
182 |
Other Christian Sects |
Numerical and Centesimal Increase in (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
XC. |
182 |
Other Christian Sects |
Number returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
XCI. |
185 |
Other Christian Sects |
Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to |
194 |
Other Christian Sects |
Number of Chinese (Males and Females), returned as belonging to in each Census District |
XCV. |
195 |
Other Christian Sects |
Number of Pacific Islanders (Males and Females), returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
196 |
Other Christian Sects |
Number of Indians and Cingalese (coloured), returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
198 |
Other Christian Sects |
Number of Other Alien Races returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
199 |
Other Christian Sects |
Number of Aborigines returned as belonging to, in each Census District |
C. |
200 |
Other Christian Sects |
Names of the Sects included under this heading, in Table XCI., Census 1901 |
188 & 189 |
Other Countries (not named in Birthplace Table) |
Detailed List of, with Number of Persons (Males and Females), born in each |
LVI. |
128 & 129 |
Oxley (Census District of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
100 & 101 |
Oxley (Census District of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
CLV. |
418 & 419 |
Oxley (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
27 |
Pacific Islands |
Number of Persons born in, living in each Census District |
LV. |
125 to 127 |
Pacific Islands |
Number of Persons born in, of Parents not Natives of that Country |
LV. |
125 to 127 |
Pacific Islands |
Centesimal Proportion of Persons born in, to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1901 |
LIV. |
124 |
Pacific Islands |
Number of Persons born in, living in Queensland (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
LII. |
121 |
Pacific Islanders |
Number of, in Population (Comparative), Census 1891 and 1901 |
XV. |
19 |
Pacific Islanders |
Number of, in Census Districts, Census 1901 |
XIV. |
18 |
Pacific Islanders |
Number and Ages of, in each Electorate |
XIX. |
26 & 27 |
Pacific Islanders |
Occupations of, arranged in order of Number of Individuals engaged in each |
317 |
Pacific Islanders |
Ages of, living in each Census District |
111 |
Pacific Islanders |
Degree of Education of, at Age Periods |
159 & 160 |
Pacific Islanders |
Number returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1901 |
196 |
Pacific Islanders |
Social Conditions of, by Age Periods, Census 1901 |
176 & 177 |
Pacific Islanders |
Number of (Males and Females), in Population of each Census District |
IV. |
6 |
Pacific Islanders |
Centesimal Proportion of, to Population, Census 1891 and 1901 |
V. |
7 |
Pacific Islanders |
Return of Half-caste |
25 |
Palmer (Census District of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
100 & 101 |
Palmer (Census District of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
420 & 421 |
Peak Downs (Cen. Dist. of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
102 & 103 |
Palmer (Census District of) |
Synoptial Results of Census in, 1901 |
422 & 423 |
Persons |
Average Number of, to Inhabited Dwellings, Census 1891 and 1901 |
61 |
Persons |
Number of, enumerated in each Census District, 1901 |
XII. |
15 |
Persons |
Number of, enumerated in each Subdivision of Census District |
XLV. |
72 to 109 |
Persons |
Number of Population, Census 1901 |
I. |
5 |
Persons |
Number of, engaged in each Occupation, Census 1901 |
254 to 279 |
Persons |
Civil and Conjugal Condition of, by Age Periods, Census 1901 |
163 |
Persons |
Civil and Conjugal Condition of (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
162 |
Persons |
Ages of, Census 1901 |
70 & 71 |
Persons |
Ages of (Comparative), Census 1886 to 1901 |
XL. |
65 |
Persons |
Of each Degree of Education, Census 1901 |
LIX. |
132 |
Persons |
Of each Degree of Education (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
132 |
Persons |
Of each Degree of Education, inclusive and exclusive of Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
159 & 160 |
Persons |
Number of, in each Census District, belonging to each Religious Denomination |
XCI. |
184 & 185 |
Persons |
Number of, belonging to each Religious Denomination (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
XC. |
180 to 183 |
Persons |
Birthplaces of, Census 1901 |
LV. |
125 to 127 |
Persons |
Birthplaces of, (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
LII. |
118 to 122 |
Persons |
Suffering from Sickness, etc., Census 1901 |
460 |
Persons |
Inmates of Public Institutions, Census 1901 |
24 |
Persons |
(Also, see " Males" or " Females," under which heads a more comprehensive Index will be found.) |
Population |
Centesimal Proportion of Coloured Population, Census 1891 and 1901 |
V. |
7 |
Population |
Total, of Queensland, Census 1901 |
I. |
5 |
Population |
Diagram showing Increase of, 1861 to 1901 |
Immediately following Synoptical Table. |
Population |
Number of Half-caste Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc., and Other Alien Races, included in, Census 1901 |
25 |
Population |
Number of Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc., by Census Districts |
XIV. |
18 |
Population |
Number of Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, India and Ceylon (coloured), Aborigines and Other Alien Races, included in, by Electoral Districts |
XIX. |
26 & 27 |
Population |
Increase in, by Sexes, at each Census Enumeration, 1861 to 1901 |
II. |
5 |
Population |
Suburbs of Brisbane, 10-Mile Radius |
XXI. |
39 |
Population |
Centesimal rate of Increase in, at each Census Enumeration, 1861 to 1901 |
III. |
5 |
Population |
In each Census District, 1901 |
IV. |
6 |
Population |
In each Financial Division of the Colony (Comparative), Census 1886 to 1901 |
XI. |
13 & 14 |
Population |
In each Electoral District, as formed from Census Districts or Portion of Census Districts |
XX. |
28 to 38 |
Population |
In each Division under the Divisional Boards Act, Census 1901 |
X. |
9 to 12 |
Population |
On Gold Fields situated in various Census Districts |
62 |
Population |
In Towns containing 100 persons and upwards, Census 1901 |
42 |
Population |
In Municipalities and Shires, Census 1886, 1891, and 1901 |
IX. |
8 |
Population |
Occupations of, by Ages |
CV. |
284 to 309 |
Population |
Civil and Conjugal Condition of, Census 1901 |
162 |
Population |
Ages of, Census 1901 |
64 |