Females |
Number of, Divorced, at Age Period, by Census Districts |
173 |
Females |
Number of, Unspecified Civil or Conjugal Condition, at each Age Period, by Census Districts |
175 |
Females |
Number of, Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, India and Ceylon (coloured), Other Alien Races, and Aborigines, at Age Periods, of each Civil or Conjugal Condition |
176 & 177 |
Females |
Number of, Children, under 1 year to under 15 years, in each Census District |
68 & 69 |
Females |
Number of, Children attending State and Other Schools between the Age of 6 and 12 years. |
LXX. |
151 to 157 |
Females |
Number of, Minors in Population, Census 1901 |
64 |
Females |
Number of, Youths in Population, Census 1901 |
64 |
Females |
Number of, Adults in Population, Census 1901 |
64 |
Females |
Number of, Age not stated, in Population, Census 1901 |
64 |
Females |
Number of, at each Quinquennial Period of Age (Comparative), 1866 to 1901 |
64 |
Females |
Proportion per cent. of, at each Quinquennial Period of Age (Comparative), 1866 to 1901 |
XLI. |
65 |
Females |
Number of, in each Municipality and Shire, Census 1866 to 1901 |
IX. |
8 |
Females |
Occupations of, in each Census District |
CII. |
228 to 253 |
Females |
Occupations of Chinese, Pacific Islanders, Japanese, India and Ceylon (coloured), Other Alien Races, and Aborigines, arranged in the Order of, Number of Individuals engaged in each |
316 to 320 |
Females |
Occupations of, by Ages |
CV. |
284 to 309 |
Females |
Number of, in each Census, District, belonging to each Religious Denomination |
XCI. |
154 & 185 |
Females |
Proportion per cent. of, belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1901 |
193 |
Females |
Number of, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination |
194 |
Females |
Number of Chinese, returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1901 |
XCV. |
195 |
Females |
Number of Pacific Islanders, returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1901 |
196 |
Females |
Number of Japanese, returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1901 |
197 |
Females |
Number of Indians and Cingalese (coloured), returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1901 |
198 |
Females |
Number of Other Alien Races, returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1901 |
199 |
Females |
Number of Aborigines and Half-castes, returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1901 |
C. |
200 |
Females |
Birthplaces of, Census 1901 |
LV. |
125 to 127 |
Females |
Number of Sick or Infirm, Census 1901 |
460 |
Females |
Number of Inmates of Public Institutions, Census 1901 |
24 |
Females |
Previous Occupations of those who were Prisoners, 31st March, 1901 |
466 to 469 |
Fitzroy (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
26 |
Flinders (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
26 |
Fortitude Valley (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
26 |
France |
(See "Europe.") |
Gaol |
(See "Public Institutions.") |
Germany |
See ("Europe") |
Gladstone (Census District of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
90 & 91 |
Gladstone (Census District of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
384 & 385 |
Gold Fields |
Population on, by Sexes, in each Census District, where situated, Census 1901 |
62 |
Gregory (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
26 |
Great Britain and Ireland |
Number of Persons born in, living in Colony (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
LII. |
118 & 119 |
Great Britain and Ireland |
Centesimal Proportion of Persons born in, living in Colony (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
LIV. |
124 |
Great Britain and Ireland |
Number of Persons born in, in each Census District |
LV. |
125 to 127 |
Gregory (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
26 |
Gympie (Census District of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
90 & 91 |
Gympie (Census District of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 |
386 & 387 |
Gympie (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
26 |
Habitations |
(See " Dwellings.") |
Half-castes |
Return of |
25 |
Hebrew Church |
Number of Persons returned as belonging to (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
XC. |
182 |
Hebrew Church |
Centesimal Proportion of Persons belonging to, Total Population, Census 1861 to 1901 |
193 |
Hebrew Church |
Numerical and Centesimal Increase in (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1901 |
XC. |
182 |
Hebrew Church |
Number returned as belonging to, living in each Census District, Census 1901 |
XCI. |
185 |
Hebrew Church |
Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to |
194 |
Herbert (Electorate of) |
Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. |
XIX. |
26 |
Herberton (Census District of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
90 & 91 |
Herberton (Census District of) |
Synoptical Results of Census, 1901 |
CXL. |
388 & 389 |
Highfields (Census District of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
92 & 93 |
Highfields (Census District of) |
Synoptical Results of Census, 1901 |
390 & 391 |
Hospitals |
(See " Public Institutions.") |
Household Servants |
Number of, Employed |
315 |
Houses |
Number of Stone, Wood, Brick, etc., and number of Rooms |
55 to 59 |
Hughenden (Census District of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of |
XLV. |
92 & 93 |
Hughenden (Census District of) |
Synoptical Results of Census, 1901 |
392 & 393 |