Balonne (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 72 & 73
Balonne (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXII. 332 & 333
Balonne (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Baptist Church Centesimal Proportion of Persons returned as belonging to, to Total Population, Census 1868 to 1901 XCIII. 193
Baptist Church Number of Persons returned as belonging to, Census 1868 to 1901 XC. 181
Baptist Church Numerical and Centesimal Increase in Persons belonging to, Census 1868 to 1901 XC. 181
Baptist Church Number of Persons returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCI. 184
Baptist Church Number of Persons, in Age Periods, returned as belonging to XCIV. 194
Baptist Church Number of Chinese (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCV. 195
Baptist Church Number of Pacific Islanders returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCVI. 196
Baptist Church Number of Japanese returned as belonging to, in each Census District XCVII. 197
Baptist Church Number of Aborigines and Half-castes returned as belonging to, in each Census District C. 200
Barcoo (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Benevolent Asylums (See " Public Institutions.")
Birthplaces Centesimal Proportion of Persons born in each Country, Census 1868 to 1901 LIV. 124
Birthplaces Centesimal Increase or Decrease of Persons born in each Country, Census 1864 to 1901 LII. 118 to 122
Birthplaces Comparative, showing Returns of Persons born in each Country, Census 1861 to 1901 LII. 118 to 122
Birthplaces Number of Persons (Males and Females) born in each Country, Census 1861 to 1901 LIII. 123
Birthplaces Number of Persons (Males and Females) born in each Country, living in each Census District LV. 125 to 127
Birthplaces Showing in detail, as embodied in Table LV. under heads " Other Countries in Europe," " Others Countries in Asia," " Other States in America, " and " Other Countries not previously named " LVI. 128 & 129
Blackall (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 72 & 73
Blackall (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXIII. 334 & 335
Blind Number of Persons returned as being CLXXV. 460
Bowen (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 74 & 75
Bowen (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXIV. 336 & 337
Bowen (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Brisbane (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 74 & 75
Brisbane (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXV. 338 & 339
Brisbane (Census District of) Public Institutions in XVI. 20 to 23
Brisbane, City of Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CLXXIV. 456 & 457
Brisbane, City of Population of, by Wards, with increase in (Comparative), Census 1886 to 1901 IX. 8
Brisbane, City of Population of, and Suburbs within a radius of ten miles from General Post Office, Comparative, 1891-1901 XXI. 39
Brisbane North (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Brisbane South (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
British America (See "America.")
Bulimba (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26.
Bulloo (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Bundaberg (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 76 & 77
Bundaberg (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXVI. 340 & 341
Bundaberg (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Bundamba (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Burke (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 76 & 77
Burke (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXVII. 342 & 343
Burke (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26.
Burnett (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 76 & 77
Burnett (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXVIII. 344 & 345
Burnett (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Burrum (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Caboolture (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 78 & 79
Caboolture (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXIX. 346 & 347
Cairns (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 78 & 79
Cairns (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXX. 348 & 349
Cairns (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Cambooya (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Cardwell (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 80 & 81
Cardwell (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXXI. 350 & 351
Carnarvon (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Carpentaria (Electorate of) Adult Males in, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Pacific Islanders, Japanese, etc. XIX. 26
Ceylon—India—(coloured) Number of (Males and Females), in Population of each Census District IV. 6
Charleville (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of XLV. 80 & 81
Charleville (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1901 CXXII. 352 & 353