Nos. of Districts as Grouped. Names of Districts. Boundaries of Districts. Names of Enumerators. Enumerators' Addresses.
35 Taroom Commencing at the confluence of Zamia Creek and the Dawson River, and bounded thence by the south-eastern watershed of that creek south-westerly to Expedition Range ; thence by that range southerly and the northern watershed of the Dawson River north-westerly to the Main Dividing Range, and by that range southerly and south-easterly to the range forming the watershed between the Auburn and Dawson Rivers ; thence by that range northerly to the southern watershed of Cracow Creek ; thence by that watershed westerly to the Dawson River, and by that river downwards to the point of commencement,—comprising the greater part of the Division of Taroom and part of Banana. Robert Alexander, Police Magistrate Taroom.
36 Maranoa Commencing at the north-west corner of Coombarngo Run, and bounded thence by the north-east, the north-west, and part of the south-west boundaries of Biambilla North, by the north-west and part of the south-west boundaries of Wallambilla North, by part of the south-east and the south-west boundaries of Park Run, part of the south-east and the south-west boundary of Bruce Run, the south-east boundaries of Trinidad and Lower Deepwater, part of the south-west boundary of Lower Deepwater, the south boundaries of Stirling and Redcap, the west boundary of Rodcap, to the south-east boundary of Blessington ; thence by the south-east boundary of Blessington, the south boundaries of Crinilius, Topaz, and Yourangle No. 3 Runs, to the Maranoa River ; thence by the Maranoa River downwards to the south-east corner of Dunkeld ; thence by the south boundary of Dunkeld, and by the north boundary of Glenelg ; thence by part of the east and part of the south boundaries of Marathon, the east and part of the south boundaries of Sparta, the east and south boundaries of Thermopylse, the east and south boundaries of Byzantium, the east and south boundaries of Tomoo No. 3 Back, the south boundaries of Tomoo No. 3 and No. 4, part of the west boundary of Tomoo No. 4, the south boundary of No. 4 Back Run, part of the east and the south boundary of York Downs, the south and west boundaries of Thirsty Downs, the west boundary of Random Downs, part of the west boundary of Chance Downs, the south, west, and north boundaries of West Chance Downs, the south-east boundaries of Arkansas South and Arkansas North, part of the east boundary of Alba Creek No. 1, the south and east boundaries of Eurella, part of the south, the east, and part of the north boundaries of Eurella North, the east boundaries of Brunel Downs East and Mount Maria, part of the south boundary of Munga Munga, the south and east boundaries of Oakadilla, part of the south and east boundaries of Concord, the south, south-east, and north boundaries of Mount Elliot, part of the west boundary of Watershed Run, part of the south boundary of East Redford, the south and part of the west boundary of Redford, the south boundary of East Billin to the eastern watershed of the Warrego River ; by that watershed northerly to the south-east corner of John Run, by the south boundary of that run, the east boundary of Colcobrogee, part of the south and east boundaries of Maermedo, the south boundaries of Carnarvon and Carnarvon Downs, part of the east boundary of Carnarvon Downs, the south boundary of Carnarvon East, and by the east boundary of Carnarvon East to the Carnarvon or Main Dividing Range ; thence by that range south-easterly to the western watershed of Tchanning Creek ; thence by that watershed along the west boundaries of Upper West Tchanning, West Tchanning, and Lower West Tchanning, southerly to the Western Railway line ; thence by that railway line westerly to the east boundary of Omedool Run, by the east boundaries of Omedool and Wallabella Back Block, the north boundary of Yuelba Back Block, and the east boundaries of Yeulba Back Block and Horse Track Creek Rur ; thence by the south boundaries of Horse Track Creek Run and Combarngo, and by the south-west boundary of Combarngo Run to the point of commencement,—comprising the Division of Bungil, nearly the whole of Wallambilla, and parts of Warroo and Ulla Ulla, and the Municipality of Roma. Frederick Vanghan, Police Magistrate Roma.
37 Charleville Commencing on the Warrego River at the north-west corner of Werrai Run, and bounded thence by the north boundary of that run, the north and part of the east boundary of Stairs, the north and part of the east boundary of Cob, and the north boundary of Oblong ; thence by the east boundaries of Pericoots and Toorumbury, part of north boundary of Toorumbury, the east boundary of Colombo, by the south boundaries of Placonia, Yoval, Crowfoot Plains East, and Cashmere, part of the east boundary of Cashmere, the south and south-east boundaries of Arkansas South, the south-east boundary of Arkansas North, part of the east boundary of Alba Creek No. 1, the south and east boundaries of Eurella, part of the south, the east, and part of the north boundaries of Eurella North, the east boundaries of Brunel Downs East and Mount Maria, part of the south boundary of Munga Munga, the south and east boundaries of Oakadilla, part of the south and east boundaries of Concord, the south, east, and north boundaries of Mount Elliot, part of the west boundary of Watershed Run, part of the south boundary of Redford East, the south and part of the west boundary of Redford, the south boundary of East Billin to the eastern watershed of the Warrego River, by that watershed northerly to the south-east corner of John Run, by the south boundary of that run, the east boundaries of Colcobrogee, parts of the south and east boundaries of Maermedo, the south boundaries of Carnarvon and Carnarvon Downs, part of the east boundary of Carnarvon Downs, the south and east boundaries of Carnarvon East to the Carnarvon or Main Dividing Range ; thence by that range, being the northern watershed of the Warrego and Paroo Rivers westerly to the north-west corner of Nive Downs West, by the west boundary of that, run, by part of the north and the west boundaries of Kennedy West, by part of the north and the west boundaries of Muccadilla, by the west boundary of Centre Run, by part of the north boundary of Back Run, by the east and south boundaries of Camroo, by the south and west boundaries of Byrganna, by the north and west boundaries of Jingidilla, by part of the north, the east, south, and west boundaries of Hermitage, the north and west boundaries of Mount Morris, the south and west Richard Albert Moora, Police Magistrate Charleville.