BIRTHPLACES. AUSTRALASIA. GREAT BRITAIN. EUROPE. AMERICA. ASIA. Africa. Polynesia. Malay Archipelago. Other Countries not previously named. AT SEA. Unspecified.
Queensland. New South Wales. Victoria. South Australia. Western Australia. New Zealand. Tasmania. Australasia— Colony not named. England and Wales. Scotland. Ireland. Other British Possessions. British Subjects—Birthplace not stated. France. Germany. Italy. Austria. Denmark. Belgium. Sweden and Norway. Netherlands. Russia. Spain. Portugal. Other Countries in Europe. Canada. United States. Other States in America. India. China. Japan. Other Countries in Asia. British Subject. Foreign Subject.
Males 637 529 100 25 7 19 1 280 101 144 2 3 32 3 3 9 2 1 2 2 5 4 11 8 54 1 4 7
Females 619 204 31 5 1 1 67 27 53 1 9 2 2 3
Persons 1,256 733 131 30 7 20 2 347 128 197 *2 4 41 3 3 11 2 1 2 †2 5 4 ‡11 8 54 §1 6 10