Table No. CI., SHOWING the OCCUPATIONS of PERSONS, MALES, and FEMALES at the CENSUS ENUMERATIONS of 1886 and 1891 ; also the NUMERICAL and CENTESIMAL INCREASE or DECREASE under each head, and the PROPORTION per CENT. those under each head bear to the TOTAL NUMBER of PERSONS, MALES, and FEMALES respectively—continued.
Order. Sub-Order. Number. Description. Numerical. Centesimal. 1886. 1891.
Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females. Persons. Males. Females.
14 3 1 Lithographer, Lithographic, Zincographic Printer 63 63 68 66 2 5 3 2 7.94 4.76 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.00
14 3 2 Picture-frame Maker, Picture Restorer, Cleaner Vide V., 3, 1.
14 3 3 Artists' Colorman, Artists' Materials Manufacturer Vide V., 3, 5.
14 3 4 Others, Prints, Pictures, and Artist Materials
14 4 1 Carver in Wood, Stone, Bone, Ivory, or other Materials (Sculptor excepted) Vide V., 4, 1.
14 4 2 Modeller, Image-maker 2 2 9 9 7 7 350.00 350.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
14 4 3 Taxidermist Vide V., 4, 5.
14 4 4 Toy-maker Vide V., 4, 6.
14 4 5 Basket and Wickerware-maker Vide V., 4, 2.
14 4 6 Artificial Flower and other Workers in Minor Art Products Vide V., 4, 7.
14 4 7 Others, Ornaments, Minor Art Products and Small Wares
14 5 1 Billiard and Bagatelle Equipment Maker Vide V., 5, 1.
14 5 2 Cricket, Tennis, Croquet, Football, Lawn Tennis Equipment Maker Vide V., 5, 4.
14 5 3 Gymnasium Equipment Maker
14 5 4 Sportsmen's Fishing-tackle Maker Vide V., 5, 2.
14 5 5 Others, Equipments for Sports and Games Vide V., 5, 4.
14 6 1 Type-maker, Founder Vide V., 6, 1.
14 6 2 Stamp, Die, Medal Maker
14 6 3 Pattern Designer, Maker
14 6 4 Rubber Stamp Maker
14 6 5 Others, Designs, Medals, Type, and Dies Vide V., 6, 2.
14 7 1 Chronometer, Watch, Clock Maker Vide V., 7, 1.
14 7 2 Scientific Instrument Maker Vide V., 7, 2.
14 7 3 Optician
14 7 4 Others, Watches, Clocks, and Scientific Instruments Vide V., 7, 3.
14 8 1 Surgical Instrument Maker Vide V., 8, 1.
14 8 2 Surgical Appliance, Truss, Bandage Maker
14 8 3 Others, Surgical Instruments and Appliances Vide V., 8, 2.
14 9 1 Armourer, Gunsmith Vide V., 9, 1.
14 9 2 Torpedo Maker Vide V., 9, 3.
14 9 3 Powder and other Explosive Compounds Maker
14 9 4 Fusee, Cartridge Maker
14 9 5 Shot Maker
14 9 6 Pyrotechnist, Fireworks Maker
14 9 7 Others, Arms and Explosives