Europe Number of Persons born in various Countries in (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1891 CLXIII. 451
Europe Centesimal Proportion of Persons born in each Country in, Census 1861 to 1891 CLXIV. 454
Europe Number of Persons (Males and Females) born in each Country in, by Census Districts, 1891 CLXV. 455
Europe Detailed List of Countries in, not specified in Principal Table, showing Number of Persons returned as born in same CLXVI. 456 & 457
Fassifern (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1891 CXXXVI. 384 & 385
Fassifern (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in 1891 LXII. 102 & 103
Fassifern (Electorate of) Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult Other Alien Races CXXXVII. 401
Females Number of, in Population, Census of 1891 I. 5
Females Proportion to each 100 Males (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1891 VII. 6
Females Proportion to Persons enumerated in each Census District, Census 1891 XII. 12
Females Adults in each Census District, 1891 XIV. 14
Females Minors in each Census District, 1891 XIV. 14
Females Number of, in each Division under" Divisional Boards Act" XIX. 29 & 30
Females Ages of, enumerated in each Subdivision of Census District, 1891 CXXXVI. 368 to 399
Females Ages of, by Vicennial Periods, Census 1891 CXXXV. 366 & 367
Females Degree of Education of (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1891 CXLI. 408
Females Number of, possessing different Degrees of Education in each Census District, 1891 CXLIV. 409
Females Proportion per cent. of, possessing different Degrees of Education in each Census District, to Total of Sex in such District, 1891 CXLIV. 409
Females Who can Read and Write, at Age Periods, in each Census District, 1891 CXLVI. 412 & 413
Females Who can Read only, at Age Periods, in each Census District, 1891 CXLVIII. 416 & 417
Females Who cannot Read or Write, at Age Periods, in each Census District, 1891 CL. 420 & 421
Females Whose Degree of Education was not stated, at Age Periods, in each Census District, 1891 CLII. 424 & 425
Females Centesimal Proportion of, of each Degree of Education, at certain Age Periods, in each Census District, 1891 CLIV. 434 & 435
Females Chinese and Polynesians possessed of each Degree of Education, at different Age Periods, Census 1891 CLV. 436
Females Proportion per cent. of each Degree of Education (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1891 CXLII. 408
Females Civil or Conjugal Condition of (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1891 CXIV. 346
Females Centesimal Proportion of, of each Condition, to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1891 CXV. 346
Females Number and Age of, of each Condition, Census 1891 CXVI. 347
Females Percentage of, of each Condition, Census 1891 CXV. 346
Females Number of, at certain Age Periods, of each Condition (Comparative), Census 1871 to 1891 CXIX. 349
Females Number of, in each Census District, 1891 CXVIII. 348
Females Number of, Married, at each Age Period, by Census District, 1891 CXXI. 351
Females Number of, Unmarried, at each Age Period, by Census District, 1891 CXXIII. 353
Females Number of, Widowed, at each Age Period, by Census District, 1891 CXXV. 355
Females Number of, Unspecified Civil or Conjugal Condition, at each Age Period, by Census District, 1891 CXXVII. 357
Females Number of, Chinese, Polynesians, and Other Alien Races, at each Age Periods, of each Civil or Conjugal Condition. CXXVIII. 358
Females Number of, Children under 1 year to under 15 years, in each Census District, 1891 CXXXV. 366 & 367
Females Number of, Children Attending State and Other Schools between the Age of 6 and 12 years. CLIII. 426 to 433
Females Number of, Minors in Population, Census 1891 CXXIX. 360
Females Number of, Youths in Population, Census 1891 CXXIX. 360
Females Number of, Adults in Population, Census 1891 CXXIX. 360
Females Number of, Age not Stated in Population, Census 1891 CXXIX. 360
Females Number of, at each Quinquennial Period of Age (Comparative), 1881 to 1891 CXXX. 360
Females Proportion per cent. of, at each Quinquennial Period of Age (Comparative), 1881 to 1891 CXXXII. 361
Females Number of, in each Municipality and Shire, Census 1891 XXIX. 42
Females Occupations of (Comparative), Census 1886 and 1891 CI. 178 to 197
Females Occupations of, in each Census District, by Classes, Sub-orders, etc., Census 1891 CV. 276 to 281
Females Occupations of Chinese, Polynesians, and Other Alien Races, arranged in the Order of, Number of Individuals engaged in each CXIII. 342 & 343
Females Occupations of, by Ages CVI. 282 to 307
Females Number of, in each Census District, belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1891 CLVII. 441
Females Proportion per cent. of, belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1891 CLIX. 444 & 445
Females Number of Chinese returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1891 CLX. 446
Females Number of Polynesians returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1891 CLXI. 447
Females Number of Other Alien Races returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1891 CLXII. 448
Females Birthplaces of, Census 1891 CLXVI. 456 & 457