Persons Number of, engaged in each Occupation, Census 1886 XCVI. 180 to 193
Persons Civil and Conjugal Condition of, by Age Periods, Census 1886 CIX. 265
Persons Civil and Conjugal Condition of (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CVII. 264
Persons Ages of, Census 1886 CXXVI. 280
Persons Ages of (comparative), Census 1881 to 1886 CXXIII. 278
Persons Of each Degree of Education, Census 1886 CXXXIV. 318
Persons Of each Degree of Education (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CXXXII. 318
Persons Of each Degree of Education, inclusive and exclusive of Chinese, Polynesians, and other Alien Races CXLVI. 344
Persons Number of, belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1886 CXLVIII. 349
Persons Number of, belonging to each Religious Denomination (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CXLVII. 346
Persons Birthplaces of, Census 1886 CLV. 364
Persons Birthplaces of (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CLII. 358
Persons Suffering from Sickness or Infirmity, Census 1886 CLVII. 368
Persons Inmates of Public Institutions, Census 1886 CLVIII. 370
Persons (Also, see " Males" or " Females," under which heads a more comprehensive Index will be found.)
Polynesia Number of Persons born in, living in each Census District, 1886 CLV. 364
Polynesia Number of Persons born in, of Parents not natives of that Country CLV. 364
Polynesia Centesimal Proportion born in, of Parents not natives of that Country CLV. 364
Polynesia Centesimal Proportion of Persons born in, to Total Population, Census 1886 CLIV. 363
Polynesia Number of Persons born in, living in Queensland (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CLII. 361
Polynesians Number of, in Population, Census 1886 II. 5
Polynesians Number of, in Population (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XV. 13
Polynesians Number of, in Census Districts, Census 1886 XIII. 12
Polynesians Number of, in Electoral Districts, by Age Periods, Census 1886 CXXX. 312 & 313
Polynesians Number of, living in each Electorate XVI. 14
Polynesians Synoptical Results respecting, in each Census District, 1886 XCIV. 164
Polynesians Occupations of, by Classes and Sub-orders, Census 1886 CII. 246 to 249
Polynesians Occupations of, arranged in order of Number of Individuals engaged in each CVI. 261
Polynesians Ages of, living in each Census District, 1886 CXXXIB. 315
Polynesians Number Possessing each Degree of Education CXLVI. 344
Polynesians Number returned as belonging to each Religious Denomination, Census 1886 CLIB. 355
Polynesians Number returned as being of each Civil and Conjugal Condition, Census 1886 CXXI. 276
Population Total, of Queensland, Census 1886 I. 5
Population Diagram showing Increase of, 1861 to 1886 Immediately following Synoptical Table.
Population Diagram showing Proportion of each Census District Immediately following Synoptical Table.
Population Number of Chinese, Polynesians, and other Alien Races, included in, Census 1886 II. 5
Population Number of Chinese, Polynesians, and other Alien Races, by Census Districts XIII. 12
Population Number of Chinese, Polynesians, and other Alien Races, included in, by Electoral Districts XVIII. 23 & 24
Population Increase in, by Sexes, at each Census Enumeration, 1861 to 1886 VI. 6
Population Centesimal rate of Increase in, at each Census Enumeration, 1864 to 1886 VII. 6
Population In each Census District, 1886 XII. 11
Population In each Census District, arranged in groups (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 VIII. 7
Population Increase or Decrease in, according to Census Districts, arranged in groups (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 IX. 8
Population Centesimal rate of Increase or Decrease, according to Census Districts, arranged in groups (comparative), Census 1881 to 1886 X. 9
Population In each Division of the Colony (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XI. 10
Population In each Electoral District, as formed from Census Districts or portion of Census Districts, 1886 XVII. 15 to 22
Population In each Division under "The Divisional Boards Act." Census 1886 XIX. 25
Population On Gold Fields situated in various Census Districts, 1886 XXVIII. 35
Population In Towns and Township Reserves, Census 1886 XXXII. 38 & 39
Population In Municipalities and Shires, Census 1886 XXIX. 36
Population Occupations of (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XCV. 166 to 179
Population Occupations of, by Ages C. 224 to 239
Population Civil and Conjugal Condition of, Census 1886 CVII. 264
Population Ages of, Census 1886 CXXII. 278
Population Adult Male, in each Electorate, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult other Alien Races, Census 1886 CXXX. 312 & 313
Population Birthplaces of, Census 1886 CLII. 358 to 361
Population Religions of, Census 1886 CXLVIII. 349
Population (Also, see " Males or Females," under which heads a more comprehensive Index will be found.)
Port Curtis (Electorate) Number of Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult other Alien Races CXXX. 313
Presbyterian Church Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as belonging to (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CXLVII. 346
Presbyterian Church Numerical and Centesimal Increase in (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CXLVII. 346
Presbyterian Church Centesimal Proportion of Denomination to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1886 CL. 352
Presbyterian Church Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, living in each Census District, 1886 CXLVIII. 349