Great Britain and Ireland Centesimal Proportion of Persons born in, living in Colony (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CLIV. 363
Great Britain and Ireland Number of Persons born in, in each Census District, Census of 1886 CLV. 364
Gympie (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 298
Gympie (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 LXI. 96 & 97
Gympie (Electorate) Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult other Alien Races CXXX. 312
Habitations (See " Dwellings.")
Hebrew Church Number of Persons returned as belonging to (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CXLVII. 348
Hebrew Church Centesimal Proportion of Persons belonging to, Total Population, Census 1861 to 1886 CL. 352 & 353
Hebrew Church Numerical and centesimal Increase in (Comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CXXXVI. 260
Hebrew Church Number returned as belonging to, living in each Census District, Census 1886 CXLVII. 348
Herberton (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 298
Herberton (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census, 1886 LXII. 98 & 99
Highfields (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 298
Highfields (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census, 1886 LXIII. 100 & 101
Hospitals (See " Public Institutions.")
Hughenden (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 298
Hughenden (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census, 1886 LXIV. 102 & 103
Immigration (Barracks) (See " Public Institutions.")
Increase Of Population by Sexes (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 VI. 6
Increase Numerical, in Population by Sexes (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 VI. 6
Increase Centesimal Rate of, by Sexes, at each Enumeration (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 VII. 6
Increase Centesimal Rate of, in each Census District, as arranged in groups X. 9
Increase Numerical (or Decrease) in each Census District, as arranged in groups IX. 8
Increase Numerical (or Decrease) in Population of each Division of Colony (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XI. 10
Increase Numerical (or Decrease) in Population of Municipalities and Shires, (comparative), Census 1876, 1881 and 1886 XXIX. 36
Increase In Occupations, etc., Census 1881 and 1886 XCV. 166
Increase Numerical (or Decrease) in each Religious Denomination (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CXLVII. 346
Indefinite and Non-Productive Class Number of PERSONS classified under, Census 1886 XCVI. 180
Indefinite and Non-Productive Class Number of MALES classified under, Census 1886 XCVII. 194
Indefinite and Non-Productive Class Number of FEMALES classified under, Census 1886 XCVIII. 208
Indefinite and Non-Productive Class Number of CHINESE classified under, Census 1886 CI. 240
Indefinite and Non-Productive Class Number of POLYNESIANS classified under, Census 1886 CII. 246
Indefinite and Non-Productive Class Number of OTHER ALIEN RACES classified under, Census 1886 CIII. 250
India Centesimal Proportion of Persons born in, to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1886 CLIV. 363
India Number of Persons born in (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 CLII. 360
India Number of Persons born in, living in each Census District, 1886 CLV. 364
Industrial Class Number of Persons classified under, Census 1886 XCVI. 192
Industrial Class Number of Males classified under, Census 1886 XCVII. 206
Industrial Class Number of Females classified under, Census 1886 XCVIII. 220
Industrial Class Number of Chinese classified under, Census 1886 CI. 244
Industrial Class Number of Polynesians classified under, Census 1886 CII. 248
Industrial Class Number of Other Alien Races classified under, Census 1886 CIII. 252
Infirmity and Sickness Number of Persons returned as suffering from, in each Census District, 1886 CLVII. 368
Inhabitants and Dwellings Number of (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 III. 5
Inhabitants and Dwellings Average Number to (exclusive of Shipping) in each Census District, 1881 and 1886 XXVI. 33
Inhabitants and Dwellings (Also see " Dwellings.")
Institutions (See " Public Institutions.")
Ipswich (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 300
Ipswich (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in 1886 LXV. 104 & 105
Ipswich (Electorate of) Number of Adult Males in, at Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult other Alien Races, Census 1886 CXXX. 312
Ireland (See " Great Britain.")
Italy (See " Europe.")
Kennedy (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 300
Kennedy (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 LXVI. 106 & 107
Kennedy (Electorate) Number of Adult Males in, at Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult other Alien Races, Census 1886 CXXX. 312