Congregational and Independent Church Centesimal Proportion of Denomination to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1886 CL. 352
Congregational and Independent Church Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, in each Census District, 1886 CXLVIII. 349
Congregational and Independent Church Number of Polynesians (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, in each Census District, 1886 CLIB. 355
Conjugal Condition Comparative Table of Census 1861 to 1886 CVII. 264
Conjugal Condition Diagram showing Proportion of each Census District Adjoining page 356
Conjugal Condition Centesimal Proportion of each, to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1886 CVIII. 264
Conjugal Condition Comparative Table of, by Ages, Census 1871, 1876, 1881, and 1886 CXII. 267
Conjugal Condition Summary of Number and Ages of Persons, by quinquennial periods, Census 1886 CIX. 265
Conjugal Condition Of Males and Females, by Age Periods, and percentage of same, at each Age Periods, Census 1886 CX. 265
Conjugal Condition Of Population, Males and Females, in each Census District, 1886 CXI. 266
Conjugal Condition Of Males, by Ages, and in each Census District, 1886 CXIII. 268
CXV. 270
CXVII. and CXIX. 272, 274
Conjugal Condition Of Females, by Ages, and in each Census District, 1886 CXIV. 269
CXVI. 271
CXVIII. & CXX. 273, 275
Conjugal Condition Of Population (Males and Females), by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Chinese, Polynesians, and Other Alien Races CXXI. 276
Contents Table of i. to iv.
Cook (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 294
Cook (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 XLIX. 72 & 73
Cook (Electorate of) Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult other Alien Races CXXX. 312
Cunnamulla (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 294
Cunnamulla (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 L. 74 & 75
Dalby (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 294
Dalby (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 LI. 76 & 77
Dalby (Electorate of) Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult other Alien Races CXXX. 312
Darling Downs (Electorate) Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese, Adult Polynesians, and Adult other Alien Races CXXX. 312
Darling Downs Central (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 294
Darling Downs Central (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 LII. 78 & 79
Darling Downs East (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 294 & 296
Darling Downs East (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 LIII. 80 & 81
Darling Downs North (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 296
Darling Downs North (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 LIV. 82 & 83
Darling Downs West (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 296
Darling Downs West (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 LV. 84 & 85
Denmark (See " Europe.")
Density of Population Map showing, in the different Districts of the Colony. (Map)
Density of Population To each Square Mile (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XXIII. 30
Density of Population Area in Square Miles of each Census District, and Total Population in each, 1886 XXI. 28
Density of Population Persons to an Inhabited House, in each Census District and in each Division of Colony XXVI. 33
Density of Population Inhabited Dwellings to a Square Mile XXV. 32
Density of Population Population by Census Districts in Groups (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 VIII. 7
Density of Population Increase or Decrease in Population by Census Districts in Groups (comparative), Census 1861 to 1886 IX. 8
Density of Population Inhabited Towns in each Census District, Census 1886 XXXII. 38 & 39
Diagram Showing Increase of Population 1861 to 1886 Immediateley following
Diagram Showing Proportion of Population, each Census District Adjoining page 276
Diagram Showing Proportion of Social Condition, each Census District Adjoining page 276
Diagram Showing Proportion of Education, each Census District Adjoining page 344
Diagram Showing Proportion of Conjugal Condition, each Census District Adjoining page 356
Diamentina (Census District of) Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1886 CXXIX. 296
Diamantian (Census District of) Synoptical Results of Census in, 1886 LVI. 86 & 87
Divisions of the Colony Population in each (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XI. 10
Divisions of the Colony Number of Habitations in each (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XXII. 29
Divisions of the Colony Area of Each, in Square Miles, and Number of Persons to Square Mile (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XXIII. 30
Divisions of the Colony Number of Persons to each Inhabited House in each (comparative), Census 1881 and 1886 XXVI. 33
Divisions (under" Divisional Boards Act") Population in each, by Sexes XIX. 25
Divisions (under" Divisional Boards Act") Census Districts, and Subdivisions of same, of which each " Division " is composed XIX. 25