Population |
Birthplaces of, Census 1881 |
267 |
Population |
Religions of, Census 1881 |
261 |
Population |
(Also, see " Males or Females," under which heads a more comprehensive Index will be found.) |
Port Curtis (Electorate) |
Number of Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese and Adult Polynesians, Census 1881 |
CXX. |
235 |
Presbyterian Church |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, Comparative, Census 1861 to 1881 |
260 |
Presbyterian Church |
Numerical and Centesimal Increase in, Comparative, Census 1861 to 1881 |
260 |
Presbyterian Church |
Centesimal Proportion of Denomination to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1881 |
262 |
Presbyterian Church |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, living in each Census District, 1881 |
261 |
Presbyterian Church |
Number of Chinese (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, living in each Census District, 1881 |
CXL. |
264 |
Presbyterian Church |
Number of Polynesians (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, living in each Census District, 1881 |
CXL. |
264 |
Primitive Methodist Church |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, living in each Census District, 1881 |
261 |
Primitive Methodist Church |
Centesimal Proportion of Denomination to Total Population, Comparative, Census 1881 |
262 |
Primitive Methodist Church |
Number of Polynesians (Males and Females) returned as belonging to, living in each Census District, 1881 |
CXL. |
264 |
Prisons |
(See " Public Institutions.") |
Prisoners |
Number of, in Population of Electoral Districts, Census 1881 |
12, 19, & 20 |
Prisoners |
Previous Occupation of, who were confinees on 3rd April, 1881 |
277 & 278 |
Professional Class |
Number of Persons classified under, Comparative, Census 1876 and 1881 |
146 |
Professional Class |
Number of Persons classified under, Census of 1881 |
150 |
Professional Class |
Number of Males classified under, Census of 1881 |
154 |
Professional Class |
Number of Females classified under, Census of 1881 |
158 |
Professional Class |
Number of Chinese classified under, Census of 1881 |
XC. |
164 |
Professional Class |
Number of Polynesians classified under, Census of 1881 |
XCI. |
166 |
Public Institutions |
Summary of Number of Persons (Males and Females) living in, according to Census of 1881 |
276 |
Public Institutions |
Names of, those situated in various Census Districts, 1881 |
276 |
Public Institutions |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) inmates of, in Census Districts, 1881 |
276 |
Queensland |
(See " Australian Colonies.") |
Reception Houses |
(See " Public Institutions.") |
Religion, No |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) Included under this head, Census 1881 |
261 |
Religion, No. |
List of Returns, contained in Householders' Schedules, included under this head. (See Note to Table.) |
262 & 263 |
Religions, Other |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) included under this head in each Census District, 1881 |
262 |
Religious Denominations |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned under each, Comparative, Census 1861 to 1881 |
260 |
Religious Denominations |
Numerical and Centesimal Increase in each, Comparative, Census, 1861 to 1881 |
260 |
Religious Denominations |
Numebr of Persons (Males and Females), returned as belonging to, Census 1881 |
261 |
Religious Denominations |
Number of Persons objecting to state to which Denomination they belonged, in each Census District, 1881 |
261 |
Report |
Registrar-General's |
| 1 to 42 |
Rockhampton (Census District of) |
Ages of Males and Females in each Subdivision of, Census 1881 |
228 |
Rockhampton (Census District of) |
Synoptical Results of Census in, 1881 |
LXX. |
114 and 115 |
Rockhampton (Electorate) |
Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Male Chinese and Adult Male Polynesians, Census 1881 |
CXX. |
235 |
Roman Catholics |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as being, Comparative, Census 1861 to 1881 |
260 |
Roman Catholics |
Numerical and Centesimal increase in, Comparative, Census 1861 to 1881 |
260 |
Roman Catholics |
Centesimal Proportion of Denomination to Total Population, Census 1861 to 1881 |
262 |
Roman Catholics |
Number of Persons (Males and Females) returned as being, in each Census District, 1881 |
261 |
Roman Catholics |
Number of Chinese returned as being, in each Census District, 1881 |
CXL. |
264 |
Roman Catholics |
Number of Polynesians returned as being, in each Census District, 1881 |
CXL. |
264 |
Rosewood (Electorate) |
Adult Males in, by Age Periods, inclusive and exclusive of Adult Chinese and Adult Polynesians, Census 1881 |
CXX. |
235 |
Scotland |
(See " Great Britain.") |
Sexes |
Number of each, in Population, 1881 |
I. |
3 |
Sexes |
Increase in, at each Census Period, 1861 to 1881 |
VI. |
4 |
Sexes |
Population by, in each Census District, 1881 |
XII. |
9 |
Sexes |
Number of each, at various age periods, enumerated in each Subdivision of Census Districts, Census 1881 |
214 to 233 |
Sexes |
(Also, see " Males " and " Females," under which heads a more comprehensive index will be found.) |
Ships |
Number and Description of, in Queensland Waters, 3rd April, 1881 |
30 |