of Blacks' Camp Run, and by the eastern boundaries of said run and of Ungabilla and Pooloon Runs ; then by the north boundary of Waggomba Run east to the north-east corner ; then by the east boundary of Waggomba, Lower Teelba, East Teelba, and Brigalow Scrub to the Moonie River, at a tree marked broad-arrow over DDM and by a continuation of said line south following the east boundaries of Brigalow Scrub, Ula Ula, and North Geradla runs to the north boundary of Gurardera Run ; thence by that boundary east one mile to the east corner of said run, and by a south line to the Barwan or Macintyre River ; on the south by the Barwan or Macintyre River upwards to the confluence of Macintyre Brook ; thence on the east by a line north to the range dividing the waters of the Macintyre Brook from those falling into the Weir River ; thence by that range north-easterly to Mount Domville, the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.1.—Commencing on the watershed at the head of Wilkie Creek, then by the watershed separating the Weir River from the Moonie River south-westerly to the east boundary of North Guradara Run ; then by a line bearing north to the north-east corner of Wagganba Run, by a line west to the south-east corner of Pooloon Run ; then by a line bearing north to the watershed separating the Moonie River from the Condamine ; then by the watershed separating the Moonie River from the Condamine River to the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.2.—Commencing at Mount Domville, thence by the watershed separating the Condamine River from the Weir River northerly to the watershed separating the Moonie River from the Weir River ; thence by that watershed south-westerly ; then by a line bearing south-east crossing the Weir River at the junction of Borrinda Creek ; then by the southern watershed of said creek and Western Creek easterly to Mount Domville, the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.3.—Commencing at Mount Domville, and bounded thence by Commoran Creek downwards to the Weir River ; thence by that river downwards to the west boundary of the district ; thence by that west boundary northerly to the watershed separating the Weir River from the Moonie River ; thence by that watershed north-easterly to the watershed separating the Condamine River from the Weir River ; thence by that watershed south-easterly to the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.4.—Commencing at Mount Domville, and bounded thence by Commoran Creek downwards to the Weir River ; thence by that river downwards to the west boundary of the district ; thence by that west boundary southerly to the Barwan River ; thence by that river upwards to the telegraph line ; thence by the telegraph line easterly to the range separating the Macintyre River from Commoran Creek ; and thence by that range north-easterly to the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.5.—Commencing where the telegraph line intersects the watershed separating the Macintyre Brook from Commoran Creek ; thence by that watershed southerly to the junction of Macintyre Brook with Barwan River ; thence by that river downwards to the telegraph line, and thence by the telegraph line easterly to the point of commencement. |
Commencing at the junction of Dogwood Creek and Tchanning Creek, and bounded thence on the south by a line bearing west ; then by the northern boundaries of the following pastoral runs :—Balle, Warkon, Amoolee, Horsetrack Creek, and Coombarngo, bearing west ; then by part of the north-east and north-west boundaries of Bainbilla North, Wollombolla North , Yambugle North, Bungil North, and Gunda Gunda North, bearing south-westerly ; then by the south-west boundaries of Oberina and Pannonia, the southern boundaries of Lower Deepwater, and by the south boundary of Mount Abundance and its prolongation due west to the watershed separating Mungalla Creek from the Warrego River ; on the west by the watershed separating Mungalla Creek and the Maranoa River from the Warrego River northerly ; on the north by the watershed separating the Maranoa River and Balonne River from the Dawson River easterly ; and on the east by the western watershed of Dogwood Creek southerly and by a line east to the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.1.—Commencing at the junction of the Dogwood and Tchanning Creeks, bounded thence by the south boundary of the district westerly to Bungil Creek ; thence by the Bungil Creek upwards to the Bungeworgorai Creek, and by that creek to its head in the Denham Range ; thence by that range south-easterly to the western watershed of the Dogwood Creek ; and by that watershed southerly to the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.2.—Commencing on the Bungil Creek at the south-west corner of subdivision number one ; bounded thence by the south boundary of the district westerly to the Maranoa River ; thence by that river upwards to its junction with the Merivale River ; thence by the watershed between the Maranoa and Merivale Rivers northerly to the Carnarvon Range ; thence by that range and the Denham Range southeasterly to the head of the Bungeworgorai Creek ; and by the Bungeworgoral and Bungil Creeks downwards to the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.3.—Commencing on the Maranoa River at the south-west corner of subdivision number two, bounded thence by the south boundary of the district westerly to the watershed dividing the Maranoa River and the Mungallala Creek from the Warrego River ; thence by that watershed northerly to Carnarvon Range ; thence by the watershed between the Maranoa and Merivale Rivers southerly to the junction of those rivers ; and by the Maranoa River downwards to the point of commencement. |
Commencing at the junction of Dogwood Creek and Tchanning Creek, and bounded on the north by a line bearing west ; then by the northern boundaries of the following pastoral runs :—Balle, Warkon, Amoolee, Horsetrack Creek, and Coombarngo, bearing west ; then by part of the north-east and north-west boundaries of Bainbilla North, Wollombolla North, Yambugle North, Bungil North, and Gunda Gunda North, bearing south-westerly ; then by the south-west |