of Toowoomba selection number two hundred and sixteen ; then by a line bearing west three chains fifty-six links ; then by a line bearing south to the Southern and Western Railway line ; thence by that railway line south-easterly to the west boundary of the parish of Lockyer ; thence by the west boundary of that parish northerly to its north-west corner ; thence by the north boundary of that parish easterly to the east boundary of portion forty-two, same parish ; thence by part of the east boundary of portion forty-two, and the east boundaries of portions forty-one, forty, thirty-nine A, thirty-nine, thirty-five, and a line in continuation bearing south to Lockyer's Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the Southern and Western Railway line ; thence by that railway line south-easterly to the west corner of portion one hundred and sixty-five, parish of Laidley ; thence by the north-west boundary of that portion bearing north-easterly to Laidley Creek ; thence by Laidley Creek downwards to the north boundary of the parish of Laidley ; thence by the north boundary of that parish, and a line in continuation bearing east to the west edge of Rosewood Scrub ; thence by that scrub northerly to a point due west from the south-west corner of portion three hundred and eighteen, parish of Tarampa ; thence by a line and the south boundary of portion three hundred and eighteen bearing east to the Brisbane River ; and thence by that river upwards to the point of commencement.
Sub-District No.4.—Commencing where the Railway line intersects the west boundary of the district, and bounded thence by a line bearing south to the Great Dividing Range ; then by that range south-easterly to the Little Liverpool Range ; on the east by the last-mentioned range northerly to the south boundary of portion seventy-four, parish of Alfred ; then by part of the south boundary of that portion bearing west to its south-west corner ; then by the west boundaries of the parishes of Alfred and Grandchester, bearing north to the north-east corner of the parish of Laidley ; then by the north boundary of the parish of Laidley, bearing west to Laidley Creek ; then by that creek upwards to the south-east boundary of portion sixty-two, parish of Blenheim ; then by the south-east boundary of portions sixty-two and fifty-nine, same parish, south-westerly to the Railway line ; then by the Railway line north-westerly to Lockyer's Creek ; then by Lockyer's Creek downwards to the east boundary of the parish of Lockyer ; thence by that east boundary bearing north to the north boundary of same parish ; then by that north boundary north-westerly to the west boundary of same parish ; then by that west boundary southerly to the Railway line ; then by the Railway line north-westerly to the point of commencement.
Sub-District No.5.—Commencing at the junction of the Railway line with the west boundary of the parish of Alfred, and bounded thence by the west boundary of that parish bearing south ; then by the south boundaries of portions seventy-four and fifty-one, same parish, by the south boundaries of portions fifty-three, sixty-eight, and sixty-nine, parish of Ferguson ; and by the east boundaries of portions sixty-nine, sixty-six, and fifty-nine, same parish, to the north-west corner of portion sixty-five, same parish ; then by a line bearing east, crossing the Bremer River to the south-east corner of portion thirteen, parish of Mutdapilly ; then by Warrill Creek downwards to the north-east corner of portion one hundred and seventy-seven A, parish of Jeebropilly ; then by a line bearing west to the south-west corner of portion two hundred and fifty-two, same parish ; thence by the western boundaries of portions two hundred and fifty-two, twenty-one, one hundred and ninety-four, one hundred and ninety, one hundred and eighty-seven, one hundred and eighty-five, one hundred and eighty-four, one hundred and eighty-three, seventy-four, seventy-five, and seventy-eight, northerly and north-westerly to the Bremer River ; then by that river downwards to the south-east corner of portion twenty-nine, parish of Walloon ; then by the east boundary of that portion bearing north to the Railway line ; then by the Railway line south-westerly and westerly to the point of commencement.
Sub-District No.6.—Commencing on Warrill Creek, and bounded thence by the northern boundaries of W. Wilson's two pre-emptive right portions of six hundred and forty acres each ; by the northern boundaries of portions twenty, two hundred and twenty-nine, and twenty-two, parish of Flinders ; by the northern boundaries of portions twenty-six, thirty-five, forty-four, forty-five, and forty-six, parish of Goolman ; by the west boundary of portion forty-eight, same parish ; by the north boundaries of portions forty-eight and two hundred and eighteen, same parish ; then by a line bearing east to Mount Flinders Range at the head of Six-mile Creek ; then by the Six-mile Creek downwards to the junction of the Brisbane River ; then by that river upwards to the junction of the Bremer River ; then by that river upwards to the junction of Bundamba Creek ; thence by that creek upwards to the south-east corner of portion one hundred and eighty-six, parish of Ipswich ; on the south by a line bearing west to the south-west corner of portion two hundred and two, same parish ; by the south-east boundary of portion one hundred and fifty-eight, the eastern boundary of portion forty-seven, the eastern and southern boundaries of portion forty-eight, same parish ; and by a line bearing west to Warrill Creek ; and thence by that creek upwards to point of commencement.
The Municipality.—Commencing at the south-east corner of the reserve for recreation, town of Ipswich, and bounded thence on the east by a road bearing north to the Bremer River, and forming the east boundary of that reserve ; on the north and west by the Bremer River upwards to Deebing Creek ; and on the south by Deebing Creek and a line bearing east to the point of commencement.
Ipswich North.—Commencing on the Bremer River at the south-east corner of portion twenty-nine, parish of Walloon, and bounded thence on the west by the eastern boundaries of portions twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-seven, forty-five, forty-seven, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-seven, and fifty-nine, same parish, northerly and north-west ; thence by the south-eastern boundaries of portions one hundred and ninety-eight, one hundred and ninety-seven, one hundred and ninety-six, one hundred and ninety-four, one hundred and ninety-three, one hundred and fourteen, one hundred and twenty, one hundred and nineteen, and one hundred and eighteen, same parish, and of portion two hundred and fifty-four, parish of Brassall, north-easterly ; thence on the north by a line bearing east along the south boundary of portions fourteen A, four, two hundred and fifty-five, three hundred and sixty-five, and three hundred and sixty-seven, same parish, to the Brisbane River ; thence by the Brisbane River downwards to the Bremer River ; and on the south by the Bremer River upwards to the point of commencement.
Ipswich South.—Commencing at the confluence of the Bremer River with Bundanba Creek, and bounded thence on the east by Bundanba Creek upwards to the south-east corner of portion one hundred and eighty-six, parish of Ipswich ; on