Rochford road to the Burdekin, Cooper's public-house on the Charters Towers and Townsville road, Hamilton's Fanning Station and the public-house on Hamilton's side of Burdekin, and all stations and camps on the left bank of the Burdekin River from Hamilton's down to the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.4.—Commencing on the right bank of the Burdekin River at the junction of the Belyando or Suttor River, thence by the Burdekin River upwards to the point opposite the mouth of the Fanning River ; thence west-south-west by a direct line to the heads of the Broughton River ; thence by the watershed separating the waters flowing direct to the Burdekin from the Cape and Campaspe Rivers to the point of commencement. |
This district comprises Dreghorn, Old Cardigan Station, Rishton, the Old Broughton Township, McAndrew's public-house, Hamilton's Crossing, Balfe's public-house on the Millchester road, "the Old Warrior" Camp and surrounding reefs, the Merry Monarch Reef Camp and surrounding camps, the Newtown Butler Reef and surrounding camps, the Old Seventy-mile Diggings, the Bluff, and all places on the Broughton River Falls. |
Sub-District No.5.—This district comprises the whole of the Burdekin watershed from the mouth of the Clarke River northwards to Cashmere Station, and includes Tiaro Station, Cassidy's or Whito's Wyandotte, Valley of Lagoons, Glendhu, Lake Lucy, Cashmere, and all other places from Round Hill on the coast range at the east to the heads of Christmas and Gray Creeks on the west, the mouth of the Clarke River on the South, and Mount Long and Cashmere on the north. |
Sub-District No. 6.—Commencing on the right bank of the Burdekin River at the point opposite the mouth of the Fanning River ; thence by the right bank of the Burdekin upward to where the main road from Charters Towers to Dalrymple crosses the Burdekin River opposite Burdekin Downs Station ; thence by the Charters Towers road to Dean's Creek below the Columbia line of reef ; thence across Dean's Creek at its junction with the creek running between the St. Patrick and Queen reefs ; thence by the last-mentioned creek upwards and by a line southerly to the watershed or grass-tree range separating the waters of the Cape and Campaspe Rivers from the waters flowing direct to the Burdekin ; thence by that range easterly to the watershed separating the Broughton waters from the waters of Gladstone Creek ; thence by a line bearing north-east to the point of commencement. |
This district comprises the town of Millchester, the Alexandra, Pacific, and Washington Reef Camps, the Queenslander and Captain Reefs, the Deep Lead, and all other camps on the Gladstone Creek Falls, Cock-field's public-house, Aubery's paddock, and all other places on the right-hand bank of the Burdekin between the junction of the Fanning and the Charters Towers and Dalrymple road ; also, the Columbia Reef, Queenstown, Just-in-Time, the Pinnacles, the Aberdeen Reef, and Shea's Dairy, and all other places in the suburbs of Millchester. |
Sub-District No.7.—Commencing on the right bank of the Burdekin River at the point where the Charters Towers and Dalrymple road crosses that river opposite Burdekin Downs Station ; thence westerly by Sandy Creek upward to the Maria Louisa Crushing Machine ; thence by the same creek upward to the Donnybrook and Stockholm Reefs Camp ; thence by the watershed easterly to the Pinnacles ; thence northerly to the creek running between the Queen and St. Patrick lines of reef, and by that creek downwards to its junction with Dean's Creek ; thence crossing Dean's Creek to the Charters Towers and Dalrymple road, and by that road to the point of commencement. |
This district comprises the town of Charters Towers, the St. Patrick Reef Camp, the Rainbow and Mary Reefs Camp, the Gap, the Wellington Camp, Donny brook and Stockholme Reefs, and all places on Sandy Creek, and between that creek and Charters Towers township and the Dalrymple road. |
Sub-District No.8.—Commencing on the left bank of the Burdekin River at the mouth of the Fanning River ; thence north-east to the coast range ; thence northerly by that range and the heads of the Fanning, Keelbottom, and Star Rivers to the "Round Hill" ; thence by a line bearing westerly to the junction of the Clarke and Burdekin Rivers ; thence by the left bank of the Burdekin downwards to the point of commencement. |
This district comprises all places situated on the Fanning, Keelbottom, and Star Rivers, including the Star Diggings, the Copper Mines, Norseman's Creek Diggings, Burdekin Downs, Bellavists, Dots-wood, and Vallockvale Stations, the Public-house, and other places on the top of the range on the Townsville and Gilbert roads ; and all other places situated between the coast range and the east or left bank of the Burdekin, from the mouth of the Fanning to the junction of the Clarke River. |
Sub-District No.9.—Commencing on the right bank of the Burdekin at the crossing of the Charters Towers and Dalrymple road opposite Burdekin Downs ; thence by the right bank of the Burdekin upwards to the mouth of the Clarke River ; thence westerly by the watershed separating the waters of the Upper Burdekin from the Clarke and Broken Rivers to the range separating the Gulf waters from the Burdekin and other rivers flowing to the east coast at the point where the old Gilbert and Etheridge road crosses Pandamus Creek at McKinley Brothers' Accommodation House ; thence by the same range southerly to Mount (3) Three-Heads at the head of Lolworth Creek ; thence by the Grasstree Range easterly to where the Cape River and Dalrymple Road crosses Dillon's Creek at Balfe's old Accommodation House ; thence easterly twelve miles to the creek west of Charters Towers known as Sandy Creek ; thence westerly and northerly by the left bank of Sandy Creek to the point of commencement. |
This district comprises the township of Dalrymple, and all camps on the Gilbert road from Dalrymple to McKinley Brothers' and following stations :—Reedy Lake, Southwick, Eumora, Allingham's, Nulla Nulla Hotel, Nulla Nulla Station, Bluff Downs, Maryvale, Wando Vale, Craigie, Westeage, Tara, Myall, Cargoon Station, Cargoon Inn, Lolworth (Hands'), Reedy Springs, McKinley Brothers' Accommodation House ; and all other stations and camps situated on the Clarke River, Lolworth Creek, Fletcher's Creek, and between the right bank of the Burdekin River from Burdekin Downs to the mouth of the Clarke and the dividing range. |
Commencing at the mouth of the O'Connell River, and bounded on the north by that river and the Andromache River upwards to its head ; on the south-west by the range separating the O'Connell River and Pioneer River from the Burdekin River and Fitzroy River south-easterly to Long Hill ; on the south-east by a line north-east to Cape Palmerston ; and on the north-east by the sea-coast to the point of commencement. |
Sub-District No.1.—Municipality of Mackay. |
Sub-District No.2.—Country to the north of Pioneer River. |
Sub-District No.3.—Country south of the Pioneer River. |