Part II.—Table IX.—continued., DEFINITIONS OF CENSUS DISTRICTS, ETC.—continued., No. 33.—ROCKHAMPTON—continued., DESCRIPTION OF SUB-DISTRICTS—continued.
No. 4.—Comprising part of the parish of (part) Rockhampton 302
Population of Sub-District 302
No. 5.—Comprising the parish of Gavial 26
Gracemere 299
Population of Sub-District 325
No. 6.—Comprising the parishes of Karkol 257
Nicholson 156
Wiseman 40
Population of Sub-District 453
No. 7.—Comprising the parish of Murchison 69
Population of Sub-District 69
No. 8.—Comprising the parish of Archer 561
Population of Sub-District 561