Married. Single. Widowed. TOTAL. Married. Single. Widowed. TOTAL.
Under 1 year 627 627 651 651 1,278
1 and under 5 years 2,394 2,394 2,326 2,326 4,720
5 and under 10 years 1,669 1,669 1,817 1,817 3,486
10 and under 15 years 977 977 2 1,156 1,158 2,135
15 and under 20 years 26 1,102 1,128 372 1,329 4 1,705 2,833
20 and under 25 years 603 1,696 7 2,306 1,259 723 28 2,010 4,316
25 and under 30 years 1,330 1,262 23 2,615 1,444 268 51 1,763 4,378
30 and under 35 years 1,085 468 24 1,577 840 59 38 937 2,514
35 and under 40 years 896 316 28 1,240 722 39 50 811 2,051
40 and under 45 years 588 162 27 777 360 16 47 423 1,200
45 and under 50 years 406 117 35 558 272 4 58 334 892
50 and under 55 years 186 58 36 280 121 5 44 170 450
55 and under 60 years 135 51 25 211 52 6 43 101 312
60 and under 65 years 50 22 24 96 26 1 21 48 144
65 and under 70 years 17 9 14 40 10 1 14 25 65
70 and under 75 years 6 4 10 20 3 7 10 30
75 and under 80 years 1 6 2 9 2 4 6 15
80 and upwards 3 4 3 10 2 2 12
Ages not specified 27 66 1 94 19 10 29 123
TOTAL 5,359 11,010 259 16,628 5,504 8,411 411 14,326 30,954