Naval and Military 0.65 Persons.
Public Service 8.07 Persons.
Learned Professions 4.26 Persons.
Educated Professions 8.13 Persons.
Scholars under Tuition 291.09 Persons.
Trade and Commerce 21.03 Persons.
Providers of Food, Drinks, &c. 18.85 Persons.
Artificers 68.11 Persons.
Miners 14.51 Persons.
Agricultural Pursuits 46.82 Persons.
Pastoral Pursuits 125.15 Persons.
Horticultural Pursuits 7.90 Persons.
Laborers 65.82 Persons.
Domestic Duties 242.73 Persons.
Seafaring People 11.66 Persons.
Paupers 3.61 Persons.
Miscellaneous Occupations 36.41 Persons.
Occupations not stated 24.82 Persons.