Towns. Country.
Under 1 year of age there are 97.14 98.50 females to each 100 males.
Under 5 years of age there are 98.80 104.39 females to each 100 males.
Under 10 years of age there are 100.99 104.64 females to each 100 males.
Under 15 years of age there are 101.87 99.74 females to each 100 males.
Under 20 years of age there are 107.24 90.37 females to each 100 males.
Under 25 years of age there are 106.29 73.34 females to each 100 males.
Under 30 years of age there are 100.49 64.08 females to each 100 males.
Under 35 years of age there are 95.08 58.45 females to each 100 males.
Under 40 years of age there are 92.00 55.94 females to each 100 males.
Under 45 years of age there are 89.15 53.53 females to each 100 males.
Under 50 years of age there are 87.64 51.96 females to each 100 males.
Under 55 years of age there are 86.38 50.72 females to each 100 males.
Under 60 years of age there are 85.92 50.14 females to each 100 males.
Under 65 years of age there are 85.58 49.86 females to each 100 males.
Under 70 years of age there are 85.40 49.72 females to each 100 males.
Under 75 years of age there are 85.32 49.75 females to each 100 males.
Under 80 years of age there are 85.27 49.73 females to each 100 males.
Above 80 years of age there are 85.21 49.74 females to each 100 males.