CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.—OCCUPATIONS.,TABLE V.—The Number of Breadwinners and Dependents under and over 20 years of age in 1891 and 1901 (exclusive of Aborigines).
OCCUPATIONS. Males. Females. Total.
Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Age not stated. Total. Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Age not stated. Total. Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Age not stated. Total.
Breadwinners 1891 56,690 324,902 793 382,385 27,074 62,350 78 89,502 83,764 387,252 871 471,887
1901 71,105 377,992 2,306 451,403 29,166 84,063 167 113,396 100,271 462,055 2,473 564,799
Dependents 1891 215,189 8,475 47 223,711 240,234 185,539 177 425,950 455,423 194,014 224 649,661
1901 245,189 11,195 42 256,634 282,166 248,748 250 531,164 527,563 259,943 292 787,798
Total, Specified Occupations 1891 271,879 333,377 840 606,096 267,308 247,889 255 515,452 539,187 581,266 1,095 1,121,548
1901 316,502 389,187 2,348 708,037 311,332 332,811 417 644,560 627,834 721,998 2,765 1,352,597
Occupation not stated 1891 1,414 493 1,907 319 180 499 1,733 673 2,406
1901 1,753 215 1,968 207 74 281 1,960 289 2,249
Total 1891 271,879 334,791 1,333 608,003 267,308 248,208 435 515,951 539,187 582,999 1,768 1,123,954
1901 316,502 390,940 2,563 710,005 311,332 333,018 491 644,841 627,834 723,958 3,054 1,354,846