CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1901.—OCCUPATIONS., TABLE III.—The Occupations of Persons, Males and Females, at Ages under and over Twenty Years, arranged in Classes (exclusive of Aborigines).
Class. OCCUPATIONS. Males. Females. Total.
Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Age not stated. Total. Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Age not stated. Total. Under 20 years. 20 years and upwards. Age not stated. Total.
I PROFESSIONAL 2,355 23,183 1,317 26,855 1,631 12,882 16 14,529 3,986 36,065 1,333 41,384
(Embracing all persons, not otherwise classed, mainly engaged in the government and defence of the country, and in satisfying the moral, intellectual, and social wants of its inhabitants.)
II DOMESTIC 2,795 17,277 56 20,128 15,338 37,251 101 52,690 18,133 54,528 157 72,818
(Embracing all persons engaged in the supply of board and lodging, and in rendering personal services for which remuneration is usually paid.)
III COMMERCIAL— 12,176 54,829 92 67,097 2,064 8,494 9 10,567 14,240 63,323 101 77,664
(Embracing all persons directly conected with the hire, sale, transfer, distribution, storage, and security of property and materials.)
A.—Property and Finance 816 8,164 5 8,985 23 1,758 2 1,783 839 9,922 7 10,768
B.—Trade 11,337 46,516 87 57,940 2,041 6,735 7 8,783 13,378 53,251 94 66,723
C.—Storage 23 149 172 1 1 23 150 173
IV TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 5,501 37,110 211 42,822 117 928 1,045 5,618 38,038 211 43,867
(Embracing all persons engaged in the transport of persons or goods, or in effecting communications.)
V INDUSTRIAL 20,420 102,071 201 122,692 9,051 14,922 23 23,996 29,471 116,993 224 146,688
(Embracing all persons, not otherwise classed, who are principally engaged in various works of utility, or in specialities connected with the manufacture, construction, modification, or alteration of materials so as to render them more avialable for the various uses of man, but excluding, as far as possible, all who are mainly or solely engaged in the service of commercial interchange.)
VI PRIMARY PRODUCERS— 27,837 139,947 428 168,212 851 3,789 2 4,642 28,688 143,736 430 172,854
(Embracing all persons mainly engaged in the cultivation or acquisition of food products, and in obtaining other raw materials from natural sources)
A.—Agricultural 14,667 61,014 203 75,884 77 1,658 1,735 14,744 62,672 203 77,619
B.—Pastoral 3,802 27,420 90 31,312 11 583 1 595 3,813 28,003 91 31,907
Dairying 3,799 12,035 16 15,850 759 1,525 1 2,285 4,558 13,560 17 18,135
C.—Mining 4,613 33,688 77 38,378 1 3 4 4,614 33,691 77 38,382
D.—Others 956 5,790 42 6,788 3 20 23 959 5,810 42 6,811
VII INDEFINITE 21 3,575 1 3,597 114 5,797 16 5,927 135 9,372 17 9,524
(Embracing all persons who derive incomes from services rendered, but the direction of which services cannot be exactly determined.)
Total Breadwinners 71,105 377,992 2,306 451,403 29,166 84,063 167 113,396 100,271 462,055 2,473 564,799
VIII DEPENDENTS 245,397 11,195 42 256,634 282,166 248,748 250 531,164 527,563 259,943 292 787,798
(Embracing all persons dependent upon relatives or natural guardians, including wives, children, and others not otherwise engaged in pursuite for which remuneration is paid; and all persons dependent upon private charity, or whose support is a burthen on the public revenue.)
Total, Specified Occupations 316,502 389,187 2,348 708,037 311,332 332,811 417 644,560 627,834 721,998 2,765 1,352,597
OCCUPATION NOT STATED. 1,753 215 1,968 207 74 281 1,960 289 2,249
Total 316,502 390,940 2,563 710,005 311,332 333,018 491 644,841 627,834 723,958 3,054 1,354,846