CENSUS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, 1891.—CONJUGAL CONDITION., TABLE VIII.—Showing the Conjugal Condition of all Chinese, including Half-castes, Males and Females, at various periods of Age, in the Colony of New South Wales.
THE WHOLE COLONY. All Ages. Under 16 years. 16 17 18 19 20 21 and under 25. 25 and under 30. 30 and under 35. 35 and under 40. 40 and under 45. 45 and under 50. 50 and under 55. 55 and under 60. 60 and under 65. 65 and under 70. 70 and under 75. 75 and under 80. 80 and under 85. 85 and over.
Never married Males 13,001 402 21 23 59 75 155 875 1,930 2,145 1,562 1,615 1,166 1,333 708 567 222 95 32 8 8
Females 493 412 19 16 7 11 8 15 3 1 1
Married Males 409 14 30 46 48 52 64 74 41 25 12 3
Females 104 5 1 4 7 24 32 17 6 6 1 1
Widowed Males 145 2 15 11 9 10 27 15 30 18 5 2 1
Females 4 1 2 1
Total Males 13,555 402 21 23 59 75 155 889 1,962 2,206 1,621 1,676 1,240 1,434 764 622 252 103 34 9 8
Females 601 412 19 21 8 15 16 39 37 18 8 6 1 1