No. Name of Census District or Sub-district. Boundaries of Districts or Sub-districts. Name of Enumerator. Enumerator's Address.
31 The Hunter Embracing a southern portion of the county of Durham and a northern portion of the county of Northumberland and bounded on the north from the Paterson River at the south-east corner of J. P. Webber's two thousand and twenty acres grant by the southern boundary of that land the northern boundary of T. Nowland's land and a line north-westerly to the north-east corner of W.C. Wentworth's one thousand and thirty-four acres thence by the north boundary of that land the south and west boundaries of Lamb's two thousand five hundred and sixty acres the north and west boundaries of Mitchell's eight hundred and eighty acres and the north and west boundaries of Underwood's one thousand five hundred acres to the river Hunter at the south-east corner of Gaggin's two thousand acres grant and thence by the river Hunter to the confluence of Black Creek on the west by Black Creek to its western source and thence by a line bearing south-westerly to Broken Back Mountain on the south by the range from that mountain towards the Sugar-loaf Range to the source of Mulbering Creek and on the east by Mulbering Creek and Wallis Creek to the junction of Swamp Creek by that creek upwards to the north-west corner of J. T. Hughes' four acres three roods thirty perches thence by the west boundary of that land the west boundary of Luke Ralfe's one hundred acres and Campbell's five acres to the north-west corner of the latter portion thence by part of the north boundary of that land bearing east to the south-west corner of J. Hannan's forty acres thence by the west boundary of that land and John Balcot's forty acres to the north-west corner of the latter portion thence by part of the north boundary of that land bearing east to a small creek flowing into the Hunter River by that creek to that river thence by the Hunter River downwards to a point opposite the north-east corner of J. Brown's grant of two thousand and thirty acres called Buhwarra by that boundary westerly to the Maitland and Paterson Road by that road to the road to the Paterson River at Lang's Mill by that road to the Paterson River and by that river upwards to the south-east corner of J. P. Webber's grant aforesaid at the point of commencement. Thomas Jones (Assistant District Registrar). Greta.
32 The Upper Hunter (Cassilis). Bounded on the north by the Liverpool Range from Mount Terell to the source of the Coolaburragundy River and by the Coolaburragundy and Talbrage River to the confluence with the latter of a small creek 2 miles east of J. M. Lowe's 1,280 acres called Bolaro and forming part of the boundary between the counties of Bligh and Lincoln thence on the west by that creek to its source and by part of the range forming part of the county boundary aforesaid southerly to the road from Guntawang to Cobborah and by that road to Wyaldra Creek on the south by Wyaldra Creek to its source in the Great Dividing Range at the head of the Goulburn River by that range to the source of the Goulburn River and by that river downwards to where a spur range leading to the westward watershed of Worondi Rivulet meets it thence by that spur range and the western watershed of Woroudi Rivulet and the range dividing the waters of Hall's and Gummim Creeks northerly to Mount Terell at the point of commencement. J. H. Thompson, C.P.S. Cassilis.
32a The Upper Hunter (Murrurundi.) Bounded on the north from the source of the river Hunter by the range dividing the waters of that river from those of the Manning River to the Liverpool Range by that range to a point where the centre of the Great Northern Railway crosses it by the centre of that railway-line southerly to the northern boundary of the village of Scone thence by part of the north the east and part of the south boundaries of that village easterly southerly and westerly to the centre of the Great Northern Railway-line thence by that railway-line southerly to the range dividing the waters of Musclebrook St. Hilier's Brook and Rouchel Brook from those of Saltwater Creek Foy Brook and Fal Brook and by that range and the Mount Royal Range and the range dividing the waters of the river Hunter from those of the Manning River northerly to the source of the Hunter River at the point of cotamencement. Geo. R. Evans, C.P.S. Murrurundi.
32b The Upper Hunter (Scone). Commencing on the Liverpool Range at a point where the centre of the Great Northern Railway line crosses it and bounded thence by that range westerly to Mount Terell on the west by the range dividing the waters of Hall's and Gummum Creeks and the range forming the western watershed of Worondi Rivulet to the Goulburn River thence by that river upwards to the confluence of Widdin Brook and by that brook to within 3 miles of the confluence of Blackwater Creek and a point opposite to the spur range forming the northern watershed of Blackwater Creek thence by a line to that range and by that spur range and the range dividing the waters of Widdin Brook from those of Baerami or James's Creek to Monundilla and thence by the range dividing the waters of Greig's and Doyle's Creeks from those of the Macdonald River and on the east by the range dividing the waters of Parson's Creek and the Wollombi Brook from those of Doyle's Creek to the south-west corner of the Jerry's Plains reserve and by the western boundary of that reserve and its continuation northerly forming the eastern boundaries of Sharpe's Robertson's Pringle's and M'Cartney's lands to the range dividing the waters of Muselebrook from those of the Saltwater Creek thence by that range easterly to the centre of the Great Northern Railway-line thence by that railway-line northerly to the south boundary of the village of Scone thence by part of the south the east and part of the north boundaries of that village easterly northerly and westerly to the centre of the Great Northern Railway-line thence by that railway-line northerly to the point of commencement. J. Thompson Wilshire, C.P.S. Scone.