Write after the name of the Master the names of the Officers, Seamen, Apprentices, and Boys, and then the names of Passengers and others on board. |
Number of Master's or Mate's Certificate, if any, and number of Register Ticket. |
If the person is one of the Crew, write "C" ; if a Passenger or Visitor, write "P" or "V." |
Write "Married," "Widower," "Widow," or "Unmarried" against the names of all Persons, except young Children. |
Write "M" against Males, and "F" against Females. |
The ages of infants under One Year to be stated in Months. |
State here the Rank of the Officers, and the rating of the Men and Boys of the Crew. The Rank, Profession, and Occupation of the Passengers should be stated as fully and clearly as possible. |
State the Country or Colony, not the Town or Parish ; if born in Foreign Parts, or at Sea, add whether as British Subject by Parentage or Naturalization ; if in Australia, state which Colony. |
State the Name of the Religion or Sect. Do not use general terms which represent more than one Religious Body, as "Protestant" or "Catholic, &c." If of no Denomination, or if the Religion cannot be ascertained from the occupier or person in charge, state so. Write against the names of Children, however young, the religion in which it is intended they are to be brought up. |
Insert degree of Education, that is " Cannot read," "Read only," or "Read and write," as the case may be ; and state if a Member or Graduate of any University. |
If unable to follow usual occupation by reason of Illness or Accident, write "Sick" or "Accident," or if afflicted by any incurable infirmity, write "Deaf and Dumb," "Blind" "Lunatic" "Idiot," as the case may be. |