No. Name of Census District or Sub-district. Boundaries of Districts or Sub-districts. Name of Enumerator. Enumerator's Address.
Newtown—(contd.) ware Road thence on the west by the western boundary of that Borough being the Edgware Road north-westerly to Harrow Road Harrow Road to Juliet-street Juliet-street to Enmore Road Enmore Road to Stanmore Road Stanmore Road to Liberty-street Kingston Liberty-street to the railway-line thence by the western boundaries of the Boroughs of Newtown and Camperdown being Johnstone's Creek downwards to the Parramatta Road at the point of commencement.
52 Northumberland Embracing a north-eastern portion of the county of Northumberland Commencing on the south side of the south channel of the River Hunter at a point where the Waratah Coal Company's railway meets it bounded thence by that railway south-westerly crossing the Great Northern Railway to the centre of the road dividing H.Dangar's thirty-nine acres thirty-two perches from J. Moore's thirty-nine acres thence by a line southerly along the centre of that road to the centre of the cross road forming the southern boundaries of H. Dangar's and J. Moore's lands aforesaid thence by a line to the centre of the road dividing A. Brown's two acres one rood one perch and L. B. Winship's two acres two roods thirty-two perches from A. Brown's four acres three roods eighteen perches and M. Fenwick's one acre thirty-seven perches thence by a line along the centre of that road southerly to a point due east from the south-east corner of M. Fenwick's one acre thirty-seven perches aforesaid thence by a line bearing south about one hundred chains thence by a line bearing east to the south-west corner of the Australian Agricultural Company's grant of two thousand acres by that boundary easterly to a north-western boundary of the Municipality of Newcastle as defined by proclamation dated the seventh of June eighteen hundred and fifty-nine and published in the Government Gazette of the eighth of June in the same year thence by that boundary bearing south twenty-seven degrees west to the north-western extremity of a south-western boundary line of that borough thence by a line bearing east twenty-seven degrees south to the sea thence by the sea southerly to Kahibah at the entrance of Lake Macquarie thence by that entrance being the south boundary of that village westerly to Lake Macquarie thence by part of the eastern the northern and part of the western shores of that lake northerly westerly and southerly to Dora Creek thence by that creek upwards to its source in the Sugar-loaf Range thence by that range northerly to the south boundary of the parish of Stockrington thence by that boundary and the south boundary of Scott's eleven hundred and eighty acres Minmi and the south boundary of W. C. Wentworth's six hundred and forty acres and the south boundary of A. W. Scott's five hundred and ninety-eight acres to the south-east corner of the last-mentioned land thence by the east boundary of A. Scott's five hundred and ninety-eight acres aforesaid northerly and part of the south boundary of W. C. Wentworth's one thousand and seventy acres easterly to the south-east corner of the last-mentioned land thence by the east boundary of that land northerly to Ironbark Creek and by Ironbark Creek downwards to the south channel of the River Hunter thence by that channel upwards until it meets the north channel and by the north channel easterly and southerly to the point of commencement at the Waratah Coal Company's railway. Thos. Alnwick (Assistant District Registrar.) Wallsend.
53 Orange Embracing the southern portion of the county of Wellington and a northern portion of the county of Bathurst and bounded on the north by Curragurra Creek from its confluence with the Macquarie River to its source thence by a line to the source of Larras Lake and by Larras Lake to the Bell River thence on the west by the Nandillion Ponds upwards to the north-west corner of Joseph Taylor's two thousand five hundred and sixty acres and by the western boundary of that land to the Molong Rivulet thence by that rivulet to the Boreenore Creek and by that creek to its head and thence by a line southerly to the Conobolas then by a line southerly to the source of the Panuara Rivulet and by that rivulet to the section line forming the north boundary of the Church and School Estate on the Belubula River on the south by that section line the north boundary of the Church and School Estate and the section line forming that boundary and dividing Smith's and Simmons' lands from Orr's one thousand nine hundred and twenty acres and a village reserve easterly to the range dividing the waters of the Belubula River from those of the Macquarie and on the east by that range to the source of Swallow Creek thence by that creek downwards to the Macquarie River and by the Macquarie River downwards to the confluence of Curragurra Creek aforesaid. Wm. T. Evans, C.P.S. Orange.
54 Paddington Embracing part of the county of Cumberland Bounded on the west from the bridge on the New South Head Road over the stream entering Rushcutters' Bay known as the Valley and Lacrozia Creek by part of the east boundary of the City of Sydney being that stream upwards to the centre of the Old South Head Road and by that road easterly to the centre of the Old South Head Road and by that road easterly to the centre of Dowling-street and by that street southerly to a point where it intersects the southern boundary of the Borough of Paddington thence by that boundary to its intersection with the centre of Regent-street thence by the centre of Leinster-street to the centre of Gordon-street thence by the centre of that street to the north side of Park Road thence by the north side of that road to the south-eastern angle of St. Matthias' Church land thence by the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of that land to the southern alignment of the South Head Old Road thence by the George Moss Belmore Terrace, Paddington.