No. Name of Census District or Sub-district. Boundaries of Districts or Sub-districts. Name of Enumerator. Enumerator's Address.
41 Molong (contd.) river downwards to its junction with the Lachlan River and by that river to the junction of Mandagery Creek thence by that creek upwards to Moura Creek thence by that creek being the western boundaries of the parishes of Moura and Terrara county of Ashburnham northerly to the range dividing the waters of the Little and Bogan Rivers and Goobang and Mandagery Creeks thence by that range northerly to Currumbenya Range and by that range westerly to Bray's Mountain thence by a line to the source of Wandawondong or Cookamobil Creek thence by that creek downwards to the Little River and by that river downwards to Buckinbah Creek at the point of commencement.
42 Monaro Embracing the western portion of the pastoral district of Monaro and a small portion of the Murrumbidgee pastoral district Commencing on the Great Dividing Range at the source of the Queanbeyan River near Mount Tumanwong thence by that river downwards to its confluence with Tinderry Creek thence by that creek upwards to the Twins (or to the Tinderry Pies) at the source of the Micaligo Creek by that creek downwards to the Murrumbidgee River and by that river upwards to a tributary of Gap Creek by that tributary to Mount Clear thence by the range dividing the waters of the Murrumbidgee from those of the Goodradigbee Cottar and Gudjanby Rivers and Neece Valley Creek to the Main Dividing Range between the Tumut and Goodradigbee Rivers thence by that range to the Great Dividing Range thence on the west by the Great Dividing Range southerly to the boundary which divides the Colonies of New South Wales and Victoria thence by that boundary to the range dividing the waters of the Snowy River from those of the Genoa Towamba and Bega Rivers and on the east by that range northerly to the point of commencement. G. H. Smithers, C.P.S. Cooma.
43 Morpeth Including a southern portion of the county of Durham and a northern portion of the county of Northumberland Commencing on the river Hunter at the south-east corner of the parish of Alnwick county of Northumberland being the south-east corner of E. Sparks two thousand acres and bounded thence by the river Hunter upwards to its confluence with the Williams River and by that river upwards to a point where the eastern side of Crescent-street village of Seaham meets it thence by the eastern side of that street southerly to the northern boundary of A. Warren's one thousand acres thence by the northern boundary of that land which forms the southern boundary of the village of Seaham westerly the south boundaries of T. Hayes' twenty two acres thirty two perches A. Warren's twenty four acres three roads twenty-seven perches and their continuation westerly to a point due north from the north-west corner of W. Hickey's six hundred acres thence by a line bearing north to the south boundary of A. Dixon's one thousand six hundred acres thence by that boundary westerly to its south-west corner and by the west boundary of that land northerly to the south boundary of Hugh Torrens' two thousand acres thence by that boundary westerly to its south-west corner thence by a line in a westerly direction to the south-east corner of W. Dunn's one thousand three hundred acres thence by that boundary westerly to the river Paterson on the west by the river Paterson downwards to where the road from the Maitland and Paterson Road to Laing's mill meets that river thence by that road to the Maitland and Paterson Road by that road southerly to the north boundary of J. Brown's two thousand and thirty acres called Bulwarra by that boundary easterly to the river Hunter by that river upwards to the boundary between J. Griffiths' two hundred acres and E. C. Close's two thousand and fifty acres thence by the west and south boundaries of that two thousand and fifty acres southerly and easterly to the north-west corner of E. C. Close's five hundred and sixty acres thence by the west boundary of that land and the west boundary of J. Moore's two thousand five hundred and sixty acres to the south-west corner of the parish of Alnwiek at a point west of the point of commencement thence by the south boundary of that parish partly forming the south boundary of E. Sparks tow thousand acres aforesaid easterly to that point. John Keating (District Registrar.) Morpeth.
44 Mudgee (Mudgee.) Bounded on the north from the confluence of Bylong Creek with the Goulburn River by that river to its head in the Great Dividing Range by that range and by Wyaldra Creek to its confluence with the Cudgegong River on the west by the Cudgegong River to the confluence of Meroo Creek thence on the south by the range forming the southern watershed of that creek to the head of Cudgegong Creek thence by Cudgegong Creek to the Cudgegong River thence by a line north passing to the west of the village of Dungeree to the Great Dividing Range and by that range easterly and the range forming the western watershed of Bylong Creek to the confluence of that creek with the Goulburn River aforesaid. F. S. Isaacs, C.P.S. Mudgee.
44a Mudgee (Rylstone.) Bounded on the north by the Goulburn River downwards from the confluence of Bylong Creek to that of Widdin Creek thence on the east by Widdin Creek to its head at Mount Coricudgy thence by the Great Dividing Range and the range forming the eastern watershed of Umbiella Creek to the Colo River, at Sir John's Mouth by a line southerly crossing the Colo River and by the range forming the eastern watershed of Coco or Cook's Creek to the Great Dividing Range on the south by the Great Dividing Range westerly to W. W. Arunstrong, C.P.S. Rylstone.